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Port Supporters

Started by Wes Mantooth, May 15, 2011, 12:15:09 AM

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Wes Mantooth

It hurts me to see Port fading the way they are but this is not the most disappointing element of our season.

Its the supporters.

A visit to their facebook page is eye opener. Its disgusting.

For a team that had so many good years so soon in their team's afl history, yet there is so much hatred and abuse towards the players and coaching staff. I'm not saying these sort of results should just be tolerated but this is not "supporting" a team. Unfortunately facebook makes it too easy to just get angry and post junk - bit like the chat blog i guess.


Every club has em but the Port ones just seem to be worse than ever, makes you feel disgusted with em, but as they say "each to their own"

Just recently some one (Can't remember who came out and said we don't need them kind of supporters, do remember now >>Essendon re jeering Stanton) saying same thing.

Why I like the Crow supporters (Wash me mouth out) they just get up n leave when they are losing. Lol, but in saying that they still have more backsides on the seats than Port when they do.


i dont mind Pt Adelaide as a team...

that said the last game i went to with Pt supporters actually had me write a letter to the AFL :-X

clearly u guys r cut from a different cloth 8)

im not surprised they struggle to get crowds i would never ever ever take my child to one of their games, if u dont attract youth...

Wes Mantooth

Marcz, I've been to a heap of games - Bullies, Magpies, Crows where their ferals are just as bad if not worse than ours. Who do you support?

I'm talking more so from a support point of view. They are so negative and they must be used to gold dummy in the mouth and cry when they don't win. They seem to have forgotten the 1999-2000 days where Port as good as bottom but then rose to be a powerhouse.

Whilst I think we need a few more players to bring us to be competitive, I think we have a lot of good young kids. I just hope the board, coaching staff etc are creating the right environment to foster this success.


Quote from: Marcz on May 15, 2011, 02:43:56 PM
i dont mind Pt Adelaide as a team...

that said the last game i went to with Pt supporters actually had me write a letter to the AFL :-X

clearly u guys r cut from a different cloth 8)

im not surprised they struggle to get crowds i would never ever ever take my child to one of their games, if u dont attract youth...

Not all are tarred with the same brush Chief Juicy Fruits. Regards Jack

Wes Mantooth

Quote from: naste on May 15, 2011, 03:44:43 PM
Quote from: Marcz on May 15, 2011, 02:43:56 PM
i dont mind Pt Adelaide as a team...

that said the last game i went to with Pt supporters actually had me write a letter to the AFL :-X

clearly u guys r cut from a different cloth 8)

im not surprised they struggle to get crowds i would never ever ever take my child to one of their games, if u dont attract youth...

Not all are tarred with the same brush Chief Juicy Fruits. Regards Jack

What's chief juicy fruits mean?


Quote from: naste on May 15, 2011, 03:44:43 PM
Quote from: Marcz on May 15, 2011, 02:43:56 PM
i dont mind Pt Adelaide as a team...

that said the last game i went to with Pt supporters actually had me write a letter to the AFL :-X

clearly u guys r cut from a different cloth 8)

im not surprised they struggle to get crowds i would never ever ever take my child to one of their games, if u dont attract youth...

Not all are tarred with the same brush Chief Juicy Fruits. Regards Jack
This ^^^
I will admit that there are feral essendon supporters. There were these drunk guys shouting at monfries, and stanton, after monfries kicked a goal.
Collingwood supporters are nice, and Joffa is a legend.

Wes Mantooth

Quote from: bomberboy0618 on May 15, 2011, 04:07:44 PM
Quote from: naste on May 15, 2011, 03:44:43 PM
Quote from: Marcz on May 15, 2011, 02:43:56 PM
i dont mind Pt Adelaide as a team...

that said the last game i went to with Pt supporters actually had me write a letter to the AFL :-X

clearly u guys r cut from a different cloth 8)

im not surprised they struggle to get crowds i would never ever ever take my child to one of their games, if u dont attract youth...

Not all are tarred with the same brush Chief Juicy Fruits. Regards Jack
This ^^^
I will admit that there are feral essendon supporters. There were these drunk guys shouting at monfries, and stanton, after monfries kicked a goal.
Collingwood supporters are nice, and Joffa is a legend.

Collingwood nice? My mum and brother were abused so badly at the 03 prelim. They had things thrown at them and verbally abused all game. Mum said one of the port supporters near them was spat on. They left at 3/4 time because they were tired of it.


Quote from: Wes Mantooth on May 15, 2011, 04:09:40 PM
Quote from: bomberboy0618 on May 15, 2011, 04:07:44 PM
Quote from: naste on May 15, 2011, 03:44:43 PM
Quote from: Marcz on May 15, 2011, 02:43:56 PM
i dont mind Pt Adelaide as a team...

that said the last game i went to with Pt supporters actually had me write a letter to the AFL :-X

clearly u guys r cut from a different cloth 8)

im not surprised they struggle to get crowds i would never ever ever take my child to one of their games, if u dont attract youth...

Not all are tarred with the same brush Chief Juicy Fruits. Regards Jack
This ^^^
I will admit that there are feral essendon supporters. There were these drunk guys shouting at monfries, and stanton, after monfries kicked a goal.
Collingwood supporters are nice, and Joffa is a legend.

Collingwood nice? My mum and brother were abused so badly at the 03 prelim. They had things thrown at them and verbally abused all game. Mum said one of the port supporters near them was spat on. They left at 3/4 time because they were tired of it.
Maybe it is because im a kid i dont cop it.


i support Carlton and i agree that all clubs have their ferals...

these were a cut above, i was struck in the face with the wooden pole of a flag while sitting down and having not spoken a word to anyone while sitting with my wife taking photos, i asked the guy afterwards if he could please be careful with as he had struck me and i pointed to my eye which was bleeding... he abused me and told he would stick that flowering camera up my a$$... the security guy had already seen what had happened and when he asked they guy to leave he was abused to the point where he didnt even kick him out he just let him go on bcos he got so angry ??? ::) :-\

the above was not even what i wrote the letter about, what it was about was a gentleman and his 5-6 year old son who he was teaching how to sing some Pt Adelaide song that was bagging Crows players and Geelong players that involved the C bomb every third word... there were children everywhere within hearing distance some of which were laughing and joining in who wernt being supervised by adults all under 10...

the thing that really really showered me was nothing was done about the above but a chap was evicted in the 3rd qtr for lighting up a smoke bcos it was a non smoking section... i dont smoke and i dont like it when ppl smoke near me but my letter was clearly questioning where the moral fibre of the AFL lies when this normal practice? needless to say it fell on deaf ears although it was published in the local rag...

what is Chief juicy fruits? something to do with that disgusting jumper we wore on monday night?

Wes Mantooth

i would m&m's...more of a baby blue colour than juicy fruit...juicy fruit package is yellow.


Marcz >> Chief Juicy Fruits is you as refering to "One flew over the Cuckoos Nest with the named person (Me) Jack (Your words. Lol)  Remember the water fountain being thrown out the window n escapping? Lol.

So thinking if I'm Jack you're Chief. Juicy Fruits was the Indians favourites.

As for the supporters I still go back and say there is rotten apples in every club. mate even I get ashamed but I have not been to a game of Ports since 2004 being the grand final as was rostered of with my work n every game up here in Qld I am always rostered away.


Quote from: naste on May 15, 2011, 11:15:33 PM
Marcz >> Chief Juicy Fruits is you as refering to "One flew over the Cuckoos Nest with the named person (Me) Jack (Your words. Lol)  Remember the water fountain being thrown out the window n escapping? Lol.

So thinking if I'm Jack you're Chief. Juicy Fruits was the Indians favourites.

As for the supporters I still go back and say there is rotten apples in every club. mate even I get ashamed but I have not been to a game of Ports since 2004 being the grand final as was rostered of with my work n every game up here in Qld I am always rostered away.
haha flower me i can be daft :-[ was totally drawing a blank... maybe ive gone past 'as good as it gets' already ;D

it just bothered me that if ppl were carrying on like that in general public action would be taken...

yet bcos were at the footy it seems to be pushed under the rug or condoned which i cant stand :(


My wife grew up in Port country on SA's west coast, a heartland for the Magpie faithful and naturally she and her family were/are all Port. When she moved to Adelaide she could not believe the culture change between the two supporter bases. She now supports the Crows.

My inlaws are a fantastic bunch, salt of the earth and I love them dearly and never would I hear them say a bad word about the Crows. My emotion on the Power is deeper however, stemming from...,17640.msg135315.html#msg135315

My Mum however could see through the haze when she remarried, she married a Port supporter (top bloke BTW). Mum goes to every Crows home game but can't stand being at the footy with her hubby. It's not I suppose about the team, it's more about the feral that comes out in the individual and their own lack of resistence to letting that passion out of the cage.

Port's mistake has been in their marketing and membership drive. "Live the creed" was a massive blunder, trying to grab that supporter base which was already Port never made sense. Those outside Port had no idea what the creed was (Fos Williams statement ... and they would've been best served by trying to recruit newbies like my son (heaven forbid) and the younger gen.
Mark Haysman has some work ahead of him to change the perception of what Alberton is about if they are to prosper and become again the great club that they were.

*Marcz, that is disgusting and has no place in any sporting arena or social scene. It only takes one man to make a difference  8)....


 :o wow that most hated thread can stay dead and buried :-X

while i love Carlton dearly i really dont 'hate' any teams i love football and for the most part its that kind of baggage us supporters carry around that creates a crappy culture for this sort 'hatred' to breed... ever since that game my wife 'hates' Pt Adelaide, i dont and she cant comprehend it :-\

there was some division between magpie and power supporters tho wasnt there? which may be why they went that way believing they just had to get every Port supporter united under both banners...

ive been to a few Crow games and it couldve been seating related im not sure but it wasnt anything like that day,loud excessive whinging for frees but that doesnt tug at my moral fabric the way that experience did... it was as if that game took a part of both of us in different ways, i was shocked at the behaviour to the point where my faith in society was rocked, i mean these kids will one day be parents etc... and my wife was and is still angry about the way things were handled that day...

im actually heading back for the first time in 4 years to take some pictures of the footy with a brand spanking zoom lens when the Blues come to town in a few weeks 8) il post some pics in both clubs threads of the game and hopefully the experience is a little more enjoyable this time round... il be sitting middle of the ground scoreboard side front row and im really frothing to fire off some sequences with a better camera this time. ;)