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Batting Lineup for Hello

Started by Hellopplz, May 13, 2011, 07:16:28 PM

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Justin Bieber

Hey fellas. As most already know, I've grown attached to my players yet my Batters can't perform :(. Might need some help with the lineup with 3 19/20 y.o's pushing for a spot due to lack of form by some regulars.

Normal lineup is:
1. Habib -
2. Jeffers -
3. Carney (D) -
4. McFarlane -
5. Selth -
6. Allen (A and Wicky) -

On the edge:
7. Abolhassan -
8. Currie -
9. Davidson -
10. Gallagher -

I'm thinking of selling 1-2 of these guys to save on wages. As much as I like Davidson, he looks to be on his way out with Abolhassan coming in and Currie next season although...... McFarlane, Jeffers and Carney's heads are also on the chopping block (Carney likely due to Experience with his age). McFarlane is a HOF'er for Hello so he's there for sentimental reasons, although can't find a spot he likes :(.

Any ideas with the lineup and who to sell?


Could you post their primaries and ages next to their names?

Would be helpful.

Justin Bieber

I'm too lazy that's why I gave a link :P. All are unlocked so all in the open to view :).


It's ok. I'm looking at your team page.

Sell Carney because you could get a bit of money for him.

Don't think Davidson is that good should sell him as his primaries and secondaries aren't up to scratch.

Justin Bieber

Thinking along those same lines myself ;). Davidson was bought as a project and just popped in batting. But Currie is probably already better than him :-X.

I'll think about Carney but he's sitting out this game for Abol (needs experience). Carney was awesome last season but averaging one of the lowest for my batters this season :(.

Would anybody want them?

And I still need to figure out the orders for them :P.


Carney will sell.

Davidson would as well, but not sure for how much.

Orders are not my strong point so I'll leave it to someone else.

Justin Bieber

I'd guess they'd both sell but lets start Carney at 100k and see if we get a bite now :P. Been with Hello for 160 days and served us very well :).
Davidson for $0 and only for 48 days :-\.

Will be selling this guy next month if anybody wants: - Cap/Cap 19 y.o Batter. No chance in my Seniors :(.


You could switch your order round a bit HP and have them bat like this:

1. Selth
2. Carney (D)
3. Jeffers
4. McFarlane
5. Habib (A)
6. Allen

Have Carney open due to his high endurance, so that if he gets an innings going he can bat for a long time, which is also why I would set him to defensive, with the addition of skilled technique it should be hard to get him out. Jeffers I would bat at 3 since he is your best batter and got the endurance to bat for ages if you lose a quick wicket first up.

I wouldn't bother playing any of the back ups yet, well in SOD anyway. Give them experience in the T20's but try this lineup for your next SOD match ;)

Master Q

McFarlane and Selth so good at keeping? Maybe you should get rid of one of them...

I think you should sell Carney. When Currie turns 20 I'd give him games straight away If I were you. If you've sealed promotion in one of your leagues later in the season I'd give Currie games.

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Master Q on May 13, 2011, 07:54:35 PM
McFarlane and Selth so good at keeping? Maybe you should get rid of one of them...

I think you should sell Carney. When Currie turns 20 I'd give him games straight away If I were you. If you've sealed promotion in one of your leagues later in the season I'd give Currie games.
Haha, I bought them like that seasons ago (3-4) but haven't trained them in that for ages (Selth is back-up Keeper when Pav Cup rolls around). Currie will certainly be playng T20 next season as will Casper 8). Just pumping some experience into them as they are homegrown talent ;).

Quote from: CrowsFan on May 13, 2011, 07:49:22 PM
You could switch your order round a bit HP and have them bat like this:

1. Selth
2. Carney (D)
3. Jeffers
4. McFarlane
5. Habib (A)
6. Allen

Have Carney open due to his high endurance, so that if he gets an innings going he can bat for a long time, which is also why I would set him to defensive, with the addition of skilled technique it should be hard to get him out. Jeffers I would bat at 3 since he is your best batter and got the endurance to bat for ages if you lose a quick wicket first up.

I wouldn't bother playing any of the back ups yet, well in SOD anyway. Give them experience in the T20's but try this lineup for your next SOD match ;)
Thanks CF, somebody helping me with the orders :P. I've tried Selth as opener before with not success or failure. Carney usually plays 3 but may move him next game to 2 (and D still) and Jeffers to 3. McFarlane and Habib are inconsistent this season :(. 2 seasons ago Habib killed as opener but now seems lost. I'll try that lineup for next friendly/SOD to see how it goes.

In a relegation battle for SOD and T20 due to strength of Div 1.1 in Scotland. Never expected to stay but putting up fights in both.


No worries HP, not sure how reliable I am for orders, but managed to pick up a fair few wins this season when I have been out rated :)
Try the line up against Fletch on sunday, although might be hard to read in to how they go since the pitch is sticky :(

Justin Bieber

Will try for 2-3 games no matter the conditions before I decide if they are good or not so much :). Thanks CF.

Master Q

I'd pay a ton for a batsmen who has the opener and skilled tech talent. Pop them on D and with good endo and tech they would never get out :P