Curnow to Swan or Grimes to Shaw????

Started by BGK, May 11, 2011, 05:39:04 PM

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Ive been doing some thinkning today due to a very slow work day. Alot of us have the Grimes/Curnow problem, myself included.

As I see it for my team personally the two options i have are to go.

1. Grimes to Jacobs/??
    Curnow to Swan


2. Grimes to Shaw
    and another downgrade, possibly Otten to Jacobs

If i was to go the first option i would have a weaker backline for this week only as i would be upgrading to Shaw next week and Rawlings the week after.

I've been trying to do the maths in my head and I actually see the swan option as possibly 20+ points better off each week.

With Swan averaging 120 and lets say Jacobs/whoever averages 60 across the rest of the season this would add up to 180 each week.

Where as if i was to go Grimes to Shaw and he continues his average of 90 along with another downgrade possibly also to Jacobs/whoever who averages 60 for the year.

With option 1 i would have Swan and a cheaper backman playing averaging 60 this would add 180 to my score next week.

If i went with option 2 I would have Shaw and propbably Libba playing i would only add about 160 to my score.

Is this smart or am i over thinking and just sideways trade in Shaw?

I dont see this as wasting trades as i would be using these trades to get these players any way. Just in a different order.

Thanks for your thoughts.


LTI's means sideways is fine. I'd be looking at the Shaw trade first, as Swan's price should be taking a dive over the next few weeks.


But am i missing out on points. Im not far off the car so i want to try and get an advantage and make a few points up.


what are you, ranked 60th right?

so, presuming you have to play a rookie avging around 60, you lose 30 points a week from not having shaw.
having to play a rookie instead of swan means you lose 60 points a week... + the 10 extra points he gets as captain

since you're so close to the car, I retract my previous statement, and say go for swan now and captainise him.



Thanks mate. Im 67th. I was thinking the same as you. My Mids would be finished and scoring potential would be a lot higher.