Will i win my league match??

Started by chaosAD, May 09, 2011, 12:27:05 AM

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I have Montagna vs Duigan and 35


Ordinarily I'd say your in the drivers seat to win but with Joey's form at the moment it could be too close for comfort. Just pray for notagna.... ;)


id say yes unless duigan pulls out a delicious special


id say dead even.

put it this way, duigan pulls an average 65 then montags needs a filthy ton to get up.

and thats definately not a certainty on his form this year.


hmmmm, you might win JUST!!!!!!!


That will be close Joey needs a 110 for you to win I think


its a dead heat i hope you win cause i need a ton from joey


well, because of grimes, I have 70 points vsing montag and duigan... so... I really need them to both absolutely fail... montags being a late withdrawal would do it for me :P