Started by nostradamus, May 06, 2011, 08:49:57 AM

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hi fellas,

l'm thinkin about trading in enright or adcock, but have reasons for trading/not trading both in  :-\

ENRIGHT....proven player, reliable & can pump out big scores, also a good price..... but has bye during our finals

ADCOCK....having a great year, stepped up to leadership role, scoring consistently well...... but doubts over durability

Any other options (apart from scotland....finals again), thoughts??................


enright is a more consistent scoring player, not going to put up huge numbers but is always good for a 80 - 100.

adcock, if fit, will score more IMO. plays more through the middle and the lions need the ball in his hands as they have shown.

depends on the rest of your team and whether you have many injury prone types, or if you just need a consistent player


I'll be getting Enright into my team today. Have you considered Brett DELEDIO?


Form says Adcock.  If you can afford the risk i'd prob go him over enright.  But a proven gun is a proven gun, dont hestitate getting in Enright at all - you wont worry as much as you would if you had adcock.


to put it simply, you'll be showerting yourself weekly (like me) that adcock will get injured, and if he pulls out a low score you'll be showerty with yourself for making the 'wrong call', however, with enright if he pulls out a bad score you'll be like- god what an asshole for failing so hard.

Enright will make you feel angry at him worst case scenario, adcock will make you angry at yourself :P

At their current prices, I'd be looking at enright. A few weeks ago though and I probs would have said adcock.


thx for the feedback everyone,

am leaning towards enright (had him last year), but him being out for a final bothers me, as l already have selwood and will have chappy in a few weeks time



had to make the same call this week thanks to brian lake being the worst pre season pick ever. i looked at them both and thought am i really going to be happy with 80s and 90s from someone whose meant to be a premium? and my answer was no. id rather take the punt on adcock (injury prone and more likely to drop a 50 on you) but hes got more chance of going bang and smashing out back to back 120s