My Team - HELP!

Started by clackerz, May 30, 2009, 03:58:37 AM

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Its a tough one..but if your playing some easy opponents in the next few weeks it might be worth the risk....either way you go your not going to lose really


I suppose I need to decide:

1) He is in as a keeper
2) He is in to make cash for a later trade - thus I'll use 2 trades up in the process.

Having 11 trades left there is the risk I'll take either way.

Play conservative and keep the trades up my sleeve, or trade him in and hope that he keeps up his scores and I'm injury free allowing me to use the remaining trades to upgrade!


I took up Muston this week for Tuck - and he decides to play  :(
It gave me $383K in the bank anyway for a premium trade.  I now have 10 trades left and my team still needs work over the coming weeks.
I went down this week by 26pts in my league  >:(   scoring 2120.

Some of the players I'm thinking about bringing in:

Any advice would be appreciated.

I want to try and hold off trades this week, but I'll have a look at prices/injuries and plan my trades from there - barring further injuries.