Am I crazy? Swan > Ellard

Started by dmod, May 05, 2011, 05:34:25 PM

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Quote from: unceramonius on June 06, 2011, 11:47:46 AM
why do you always post this dirt? you DID NOT make money trading goddard to curnow round 2 at all.  you start off with a salary can use it any ways you want to. when you traded goddard to curnow you still had the EXACT SAME salary cap just chose to waste a trade and spread it out a different way.

however if you were to say i traded curnow when he got injured to a bubble rookie...then you MADE MONEY.

not hard to comprehend is it
I disagree! Sure, he didn't make money with the initial trade, but he made it in the long run! It's like making a good investment. Well worth the trade (although very risky).


with that logic your both invited in my leauge anytime. the big thing he keeps posting is he made 380 k from that trade in round 2!!!!!!!  HE DIDNT.  he made ZERO money from the trade. it was  a ridiculous trade at best. hardly any defenders are carving it up and with goddard carving it back gona bring him in again?

two trades wasted. better move would have been keeping BOTH, by trading a atley/irons/bewick round 2.

my biggest gripe is him trying to sound like a genius, oooooooh i made 380 made nothing mate


Dude, I wouldn't have ever done it. And it wasn't a genius move... It was a LUCKY move, but it payed off.
Assuming he traded out Curnow when he got injured, that's $183,400 made. If he traded in Goddard now, he still gets him but avoided the $143,000 lost. That's a total of $326,400 for two trades and I would take that any day of the week.
No, he didn't make any money from the initial downgrade (so to speak) because it was before any price changes, but he still made over $300k from two trades and that is bloody good. I don't know what you have against it, but it ended up being the right move (however lucky). Plus, Curnow averaged more over that period than Goddard, so he gained points as well!


it was a flowering fluke, but a good move. We've seen it happen a couple of times around here.

to put it simply, it was a showerhouse trade that ended up being beneficial.


why would you even trade goddard to begin with? you would make more trading out a crap irons/atley/bewick for curnow round 2. with goddard returning to form, its two trades wasted on the one player....very BAD move.

what next? ooooh montagna/sylvia/swan have had injuries, ill trade them out and make money by trading them. when the reality is you make zero dollars doing this.

it wasnt even lucky, it was just stupid. trading irons though to curnow is lucky. trading bewick to liberatore is lucky. trading goddard in round 2....dumb


how do you people view this then....

with a midfield of swan, pendles, boyd, bartell, selwood, montagna , what is the consensus in trading swan to ablett now, and then when swan returns trading bartell to him, to avoid two cats in the same line round 22. we all know if you win your first final your fine..but bartell playing forward equals massive drop in points.


no, I agree, it was stupid, but it worked, that's what made it lucky.

Those that were talking about trading swan a few weeks back were also stupid, but honestly their team probably would have been better off in hindsight. Their flukes from dodgy trades, but just because a trade appears bad doesn't mean it'll have negative results.

Same thing for trades that appear good. Like trading in Sylvia this week. Looked like a good trade, was one of the highest avging fwds from memory, then he goes and gets his leg corked. Unlucky. Good trade that went south.

Honestly, with that line up, I would consider doing it. But only under the following conditions
1. You have a LOT of trades left
2. You're still in the hunt for overall.

apart from that, gtfo.


Quote from: unceramonius on June 06, 2011, 01:07:35 PM
why would you even trade goddard to begin with? you would make more trading out a crap irons/atley/bewick for curnow round 2. with goddard returning to form, its two trades wasted on the one player....very BAD move.
Did you even read what I wrote? By trading out Goddard and then bringing him back in, he makes $143,000. That's not nothing, that's $143,000. He wouldn't have made as much trading out a crap rookie because a crap rookies isn't going to lose the $143,000 that Goddard lost. It was very lucky but a GOOD move.


but if he brings him back he WASTES two trades. goddards loss is irrelevant because you brought him in your team to keep.

he doesnt make more money trading goddard than a rookie to begin with, thats pretty silly to say. how so?

by keeping goddard, and trading a irons to curnow...he can upgrade curnow to a keeper with the money curnow makes by a usual downgrade/upgrade.

by trading goddard, he now has two holes to fill later on. wasteing a trade bringing goddard back, and then what? using his generated cash from an irons or atley to upgrade curnow? lol

people are missing the point here, he clearly thinks he is a genius because he made 380 k in round 2, did he make 380 k in round 2? ummm he didnt. was it a smart move? hell no it wasnt. was it a lucky move? no not really..curnow got injured too.

lose lose lose by my estimations


Your ignorance upsets me...
1. He didn't waste two trades, he used them (however unwisely) and made $326,400
2. He does make more money because firstly, he makes the money that Goddard lost AND the money (however little) the rookie would make)
3. That downgrade/upgrade is two trades. Considering the normal downgrade gets you approximately $150k max, making over $300k with the Goddard --> Curnow move means that's two less downgrades he has to make later. That means 4 trades for 2 premiums BUT he doesn't have to get rid of other cash cows for those trades. Therefore, good move.
4. He doesn't need to generate cash from Irons or Atley, he generated over $300k from his other trade!
5. I'm not disagreeing with that part. He didn't make $380k in round 2. But he made close to that after.


wow forget it i give up. the money he generates from trading a rookie round 2 is EXTRA cash. the money he gets from doing goddard instead is the SAME cash,as he hasnt generated any extra from his initial salary cap.

goddard was a keeper, so he isnt some physcological warrior now primed to make two upgrades. who will one of those be? goddard? lol. you DONT MAKE any money that a premium losers.

oooooooh il downgrade swan to callinan and make  me over 300k!!!!  problem is swan was part of initial salary cap and i make ZERO doing this. if callinan makes 150 k,and swan drops another 30k, do i make 180 k?  no i dont.  i would be an idiot who should have traded somebody else (krakouer) to callinan. than id make the money from the trade PLUS whatever callinan makes.

not hard to understand. you will forever be a coach in waiting supporting those moves. but alas i move on.


unceramonius, what about the fact that curnow averaged more than goddard aswell at the start of the year?
imo not a waste of two trades, if he traded goddard-> curnow, and then upgraded 2 rookies after ~6-7 rounds to premiums (using the spare 380k) it definately benefited his team

Joe Dirt

wow must have the smallest brain...ok ill put it simply for you...

Say my team value was worth X. trading out goddard for curnow doesn't change that. but when goddard goes down 140k, and curnow goes up 180k, my team value increases from X to  (X + 140k + 180k) compared to if i had've kept goddard. So with the 380k which i earned from this, i can upgrade curnow to Goddard for 60k, and still have 320k to upgrade 2 rookies. So really i have used 4 trades to get 2 premiums which is normal how ever i didnt have to use two rookies to downgrade them, so i still have two 250k rookies sitting on my bench instead of 100k rookies.


ive already said your a genius!!!!!!!!!!!  the best coach to ever coach. with moves like that...with your savvy.......the car is yours. you will never comprehend that you were far far better off trading a worse rookie for curnow and keeping goddard. replacing a premium with a premium later is not an upgrade. i cant put it any if i have a small brain..then i guess we have a lot in common.

whats your team name and ranking great one?


Too much writing. I support whoever is winning the battle.