Am I crazy? Swan > Ellard

Started by dmod, May 05, 2011, 05:34:25 PM

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So I had an idea moments ago which Ive been discussing with my brother. Ellard (MID $242k) is on the bubble with a BE of -14 with scores of 112 and 100. If I downgraded Swan (MID $481k) I'm pocketing about $232k cash with Ellard likely rising in price and Swan falling. I'd probably get Swan back in after the second bye, possibly even a cheap upgrade from Ellard.

Am I crazy or does this plan have some merit? Does the risk outweigh the reward? Give us your thoughts


Btw I have 19 trades left and $81k in the bank. I just saw similar ideas have been posted in other threads but not with Ellard. Regardless im sorry for my possible noobness in starting a new thread!


wasting 2 trades for less points and possibly only making 150k (ie swan down to 430k, ellard to 380k) i think is ridiculous.


horrible move. If you really want ellard that much, straight swap or upgrade a rook to him.


wow!  ellard sucks no way man



haha guess thats a 'no' then? Point taken  :P


it's a pretty clear and resounding no.


2 trades for 150 k no way, plus the swan points u miss when u dont have him,

its good being creative and thinkin outside the box just not this time though


thats worse than my Swan > Watson call
at least Jobe is a proven gun,
Ellard is a crab!



you've lost the bleedin plot mate!
do you have any brains in that head of yours or what?!

dont clog up these forums with this trash. carn.


wow, maybe a little too harsh :P

Master Q

Joe Dirt

I did the same with goddard round too...but i traded him for curnow...i made 380k which is a showerload. In a week or two goddard would have dropped 100k and curnow wouldve gone up 200k. So really i didnt lose any points as they averaged the same and if i wanted to trade him back in it will only cost me i made 300k out of 2 thats good.

But in your case you've gotta weigh up the fact that you wont get 200k from ellard and swan wont drop 100k most likely...ellard might go up 100k and swan might fall 50k. so really your spending 2 trades to make 150k, not much in the scheme of things.