Am I crazy? Swan > Ellard

Started by dmod, May 05, 2011, 05:34:25 PM

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Quote from: unceramonius on June 06, 2011, 04:18:22 PM
ive already said your a genius!!!!!!!!!!!  the best coach to ever coach. with moves like that...with your savvy.......the car is yours. you will never comprehend that you were far far better off trading a worse rookie for curnow and keeping goddard. replacing a premium with a premium later is not an upgrade. i cant put it any if i have a small brain..then i guess we have a lot in common.

whats your team name and ranking great one?
you sir are a cvnt

Joe Dirt

haha yeah i think unceramonius thinks its too much reading too as he mustn't read all our posts coz he still doesn't understand haha team name is Kamakazi and im in sitting nicely without Goddard at 2642.


plugz and dirt i swear the people here are utter tools. plugz espicially with his pathetic sensor by passing.

goddard curnow...1 money made
down grade to generate money to upgrade curnow ....1 trade
upgrading curnow....1 trade
bringing back goddard..or "upgrading" as you would put it your weakened defense....1 trade

4 trades for 1 premium. as i said GENIUS

keep irons/atley/bewick for curnow...1 trade
downgrade to generate funds to upgrade.....1 trade
upgrade curnow........1 trade

3 trades but you have TWO PREMIUMS.

please enter my leauges next year:)


goddard->curnow= 1 trade

after round 7, use that 380k freed up from the trade to do curnow(280k)->marc murphy (411k) [cost=131k]
also after round 9, trade duigan (234k)->suckling (340k) [cost=106k]

3 trades, 2 premiums, more points scored and still have 140k in the bank from the first trade made

Joe Dirt

hahahahahaha you are the slowest bloke i have ever known!
How does trading Goddard to curnow = no money made? thats the whole reason i did it...i got 380k in my bank because of it

goddard curnow...1 trade...380k made
upgrading curnow to premium....1 trade 250k still left in bank
bringing back goddard for a 250k rookie ....1 trade 170k still left in bank
upgrading a 250k rookie to a premium...1 trade

4 trades for 3 premiums. Genius!!!

keep irons/atley/bewick for curnow...1 trade
downgrade to generate funds to upgrade.....1 trade
upgrade curnow........1 trade
downgrade to generate funds to upgrade.....1 trade
upgrade 250k rookie to premium...1 trade

5 trades to have 3 premiums

So i made 1 more trade and got 1 more premium in!

You've gotta make another downgrade and an upgrade, using up 2 more 250k rookies just to get where i am! Do you understand now? Surely?


lol your pretty damn slow. explain to me just how you make 380 k by trading goddard to curnow? did you find a glitch to have a bigger salary cap?

yes you have 380 k IN THE BANK, but you didnt MAKE 380 k like you keep saying. do you post this crap over and over on dt talk too? cause i swear i keep seeing this there and you keep getting shot down there, here it seems to be lets praise crap moves to better our own chances. sounds like dr dream team.

also your severly over estimating your money with your trades. curnow got up to about 275, 280 k. add 130 k for a premium huh? i dont remeber pendles, boyd, selwood being that price ever. which leaves you short for that supposed 250 k rookie upgrade, as if you really are getting two premiums like you would need at least another 60 k,probably even more.

what your doing is taking away a premium but then counting them in again after. so in your example its still 4 trades for TWO premiums. goddard doesnt count, you already had him and traded him out. what your essentialy doing there is sideways trading your back premiums.

i know what your saying, and i keep saying, your invited im my leauge anytime. id love more people like you. the whole im a "genius" thing is just plain silly.

Joe Dirt

no im not on DT talk or what ever ur on about.

And ablett was 410k, swan is less than 400k, murphy was below 400k, thompson is 400k, mundy below 400k, bartel 360k and selwood was worth 410k at one point too loser (which is 280+130k for slowies). But good argument there hahahahahahahaha

and how do you not understand, that when you sell someone at 480k for someone at 100k you put 380k in the bank which is all we care about. i know i dont get an extra 380k in my salary cap. all i care is that i get money in my bank to upgrade rookies to premiums. and thats what ive got. I just really can't believe you dont understand this...ask your mates (if u got any) and they will explain the maths to you as i have tried a hundred times and hence my trade is better than doing a bewick to curnow trade.


his point is I think, that those $ were part of your original salary cap, and so you don't make money on it. But people who honestly could have anticipated goddards form slump or swans injury pre-season and subsequently didn't pick them, were bs liars who ended up being very lucky.

Those that traded goddard out before his price drop to someone like curnow, made a stupid move and a horrible trade, and I would say they're either very ballsy or very stupid for doing it. But, if you honestly can't see how it lucked out in benefiting their team, then you're pretty stupid.

unceramonius said round 7. your clutching at straws mate....your plan and logic is severly flawed. now your just randomly spewing out names....hoping they fit with your proposed plan.

face it...your genius plan, wasnt possible.


this topic can die...but to furthur the point. you dont have murphey, or suckling (very big stretch to consider  a premo) but you STILL have curnow, who is LOSING you money.

you havent benefited from this at all genius. duffield, duigan,stanley , lower all starting on the field.

Joe Dirt

What you on about unceramonius? i never said anything about round 7. and if you do the maths all my trades work....

goddard curnow...1 trade...380k made
upgrading curnow to premium....1 trade 250k still left in bank
bringing back goddard for a 250k rookie ....1 trade 170k still left in bank
upgrading a 250k rookie to a premium...1 trade

I know it was lucky but it ended out being an amazing trade.


the figures i used were the actual prices curnow, murphy, duigan and suckling were

and ziplock's got it right, bad trade but the outcome of it would have been awesome for those who did it


pretty much, 4 trades, 2 new premiums, 3 premiums all up, Curnow outscoring goddard, sounds fine to me.


I'd just like to point out that I was right with all of my comments ;)

EDIT: Sorry, that was awful and I really hope this doesn't start things up again. Just couldn't help myself :P

Joe Dirt

haha yeah you were right lahug...this guy just can't admit defeat when he knows he's wrong (although im beginning to think he might be that dumb and actually believe the things he's saying). Well good duscussion...end of topic!!!