Eliminator Opponent

Started by deekay, May 04, 2011, 06:55:34 PM

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la hug.. i think you might be in a bit of strife mate! selwood got a decent score but not the 150 we all wanted... wish i had put stevie j as my skip... i thought about it and it was between the two of em!!!


Stevie J has caused me some concern....


Ok I'm 165 up with this left v him

Adcock vs Buckley
Swan v Swan (C)
Boyd vs Libba
Knights vs Krak

plus I have Darling and Pendlebury and the rest are the same.

Should have it unless Swan smashes it for him.


you should still be ok if you have pendles & darling extra those two can match a swan score


a swan late with drawl will win me the eliminator, my opponent has him captain, selwood vc same as me but he has only selected two emergencies and not one in the mids

260 + Puopolo (60) Knights (80) = 400


krakouer (70) , darling (75), suckling (100) & 1 swan score (140)  = 385

all comes down to swan not killing it i think, the other scores are realistic are they not?


Really really really annoying, my eliminator never shows how many my opponent has to play, is in play and how many to come, which means every time I have to count each player. It's a pain in the arse, I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem/ the only one this is annoying.

Minor inconvenience, but it's really getting under my skin.



I'm well and truly screwed. Awful round has cost me big time.

I'm up by 129 with Suckling, Libba and Dawes (playing now) vs. Puopolo, Swan (playing now), Boyd, Mitchell, Knights (playing now).



after a good start, its gone absolutely so bad after. harris, matera, riewoldt, bartel and chapman as captain. swan and krak doing crap right now too. and my opponent doesnt have any of those players..


I have that same problem and if I stay on the site with Eliminator open for more than a few minutes, it says both my opponent and I are on 0...


^ have that as well, it's really annoying.


yep, i got the same problem... its so annoying ...
also the dt app for iphone doesnt even have the eliminator on it .


mines going to be a close one, need boyd + puopolo + buddy (c) to make up around 300-340 on sewell, really need a massive effort from buddy


i have a chance but i hope boyd gets 120 or 130+, pops to get 70+ higgins to get 90+ and shiels and libba to have around 60's in their scores. i think theres more of a chance for shiels or libba to have a shocker than higgins to get 90+ though... damn it! stupid dreamteam


147 + Puopolo  vs Suckling

i'd say i am home


Because things weren't going badly enough, he has Mitchell and Puopolo (I had Puopolo on the bench >:() and I have Libba and Suckling. It's officially over :'( :'( :'(