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Business time

Started by ajjewell, April 30, 2011, 05:55:06 PM

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Just wondering how everyone is going with any game plan that they had started the season with?
Has anyone had a spanner thrown in the works, that has made them alter any ideas they had started with?
I myself, have been revising my plan that I had at the start, just tinkering with upgrade targets and looking at my list and figuring out if any players, I have chosing have been going better or worse than I expected, all to help me decide how these next few weeks might pan out in the way of trades.

Justin Bieber

I'm also just starting to look at upgrade targets. Bye weeks are handy if the player your looking at is out and your cash cow has more to gain :D.

I started with a 5 Premium midfield (Boyd, Pendles, Murphy, Selwood and Swallow). Last week showed what can happen when all of them play :D. Have the 5 Premiums there means I have good backup from the bench almost every single round (Liba Jr, Swallow, Harris and Conca). Means I have patience when it comes to upgrading my last midfield spot as long as they keep gaining money.

Need to start downgrading/upgrading everywhere now. Might go Hibberd in the midfield a bit later for the MPP cover with the backs. Need one with the forwards also but nobody pops up right now. Looking at who's dropped and set to regain their prices soon so probably somewhere in the backs/forwards I'll upgrade this week or next seeing as quite a few have dropped.

*Peace Out Pplz.