Rioli to Goodes - Too much of a sideways trade?

Started by oldshepp, April 29, 2011, 02:51:36 PM

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Going off the idea of JRoo for DT (and probably even SC)

Too many forward line donuts loom this weekend so I'm thinking of this double trade

First trades for the year only 3k in the bank

Richo - Harper (Worried because he's untested but he'd probably only be emergency for Krak)

Rioli - Goodes

Similar averages and Goodes doesn't have Rioli's hammys   :D

I cannot see Rioli only being out for one week if there was bleeding detected during the scans on his hamstring - although I'm no expert

Getting Goodes in also adds another MPP and his DT form has been pretty steady

Normally I would only go sideways for LTI but I would consider Rioli a candidate for at least a few weeks on the sidelines?

What do you think?



i see him being back round 8 round 9 the latest.which gives him 2 to 3 weeks off including the bye.i have him i have 1 donut possibly 2 in fowards and i will not trade him unless he is longer than 3 weeks.i have enough cover for the single byes the next few weeks.


i would do it if it saves u a donut. i did this trade in sc last night because i was gna take a donut.


why do the trade hawks had a bye this week anyway.


yeh i no but i had preti much 5 fwds not playing with richardson buddy cyril higgins and probably krak. so i had to go richo out and sidewaysed cyril


you should have waited until final teams come out krak could still play yet.
i have the same problem in forwards rioli,stevie.j,higgins,richo and possibly krak.richo is definately going out.


Krak in saves the donut so I guess we'll see if Cyril comes up next week (I doubt it)