Help guys...

Started by pinochio, April 29, 2011, 01:06:37 AM

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Have krak, bewick, richo, prestia to worry about this week :)
have 278k in bank

like 3k of going bewick to montagna BUT can go krak or prestia to monty...

however if krak is named should i just sit tight for 1 round and swoop on selwood/chappy OR just go if krak isnt named straight to monty this week (prestia to monty can also be done but he will play so prob not...)

thx for the help!


Wait on krak if not named def trade for tags. If named trade next week, I'd go chappy
Keep prestia he should be back soon. I'd trade bewick this week maybe to polec who even tho is 140 has great js and looks a player.


ye will wait on krak...

what are ppls thoughts on bewick....scored well when he played a whole game...should be back next week i read????


polec is a good get but he's a bit pricey


i would go krak to tags even if he was guaranteed to play the rest of the year. If he doesn't play than defiantly do the trade


krak to tags either way???

krak is named but him turning up in a green vest is highly likely....also has a b/e of 58 AND has a bye next round :P

Krak to Monty???