800k in the bank. Have i made a good move???

Started by wcarey, April 27, 2011, 10:56:59 PM

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DT Junkie

That strategy is a dangerous one im guessing you arent expecting any injuries this year.....


Quote from: DT Junkie on April 28, 2011, 11:09:06 AM
That strategy is a dangerous one im guessing you arent expecting any injuries this year.....

If you read it properly you see that it may seem like I am burning early trades, but down the track i won't have to use as many. Think what you will tho


well, actually, you are burning trades. By cashing out cows early on, they don't make you as much money, which means to upgrade to a premium you'll need to cash out more cows etc. So, you are going to be down some trades.


Quote from: Ziplock on April 28, 2011, 04:50:00 PM
well, actually, you are burning trades. By cashing out cows early on, they don't make you as much money, which means to upgrade to a premium you'll need to cash out more cows etc. So, you are going to be down some trades.

I haven't cashed a single cow yet. I started the year with money in the bank and have only taded out duds/mistakes like foley, palmer, broughton, o'keefe & vickery. so read the whole thread again before you make inaccurate comments


' I have been down grading and cash cowing'

how bout you read what you write before making it sound like I'm an idiot. Douche.

And next time, post your team in a readable format.


Quote from: Ziplock on April 28, 2011, 05:57:06 PM
' I have been down grading and cash cowing'

how bout you read what you write before making it sound like I'm an idiot. Douche.

And next time, post your team in a readable format.

sorry ziplock I didn't realise that you have to be a doctor of literature to post on fan footy. I'll make it easy for you and break it down.

Cash cowing - i mean making money from rookies.
Downgrading - This means trading a premium or mid priced player for a cheaper player or rookie.

And next time, if you don't like mine or someone elses format no one is holding a gun to your head and making you read. I guess I should watch what I say or the way i write things when i am in the presence of dream team royalty like yourself


Quote from: wcarey on April 28, 2011, 05:40:58 PM
Quote from: Ziplock on April 28, 2011, 04:50:00 PM
well, actually, you are burning trades. By cashing out cows early on, they don't make you as much money, which means to upgrade to a premium you'll need to cash out more cows etc. So, you are going to be down some trades.

I haven't cashed a single cow yet. I started the year with money in the bank and have only taded out duds/mistakes like foley, palmer, broughton, o'keefe & vickery. so read the whole thread again before you make inaccurate comments

I just want to know what your starting team/bank balance was!


what are you going to do this week a few donuts in your team.


Quote from: Andrew on April 28, 2011, 09:09:14 PM
Quote from: wcarey on April 28, 2011, 05:40:58 PM
Quote from: Ziplock on April 28, 2011, 04:50:00 PM
well, actually, you are burning trades. By cashing out cows early on, they don't make you as much money, which means to upgrade to a premium you'll need to cash out more cows etc. So, you are going to be down some trades.

I haven't cashed a single cow yet. I started the year with money in the bank and have only taded out duds/mistakes like foley, palmer, broughton, o'keefe & vickery. so read the whole thread again before you make inaccurate comments

I just want to know what your starting team/bank balance was!

Just under 250k andrew
Quote from: Chopps on April 28, 2011, 07:38:28 AM
i cant find your team

Sorry chops its actually WayneCarey&Friends. Written all as one word.


Quote from: Marcz on April 28, 2011, 12:28:03 AM
Quote from: Fenno on April 28, 2011, 12:20:47 AM
sorry but I think you have stuffed up you have used to many trades already you may get a solid team quickly but you are pretty much a sure thing to run out of trades and cop dougnuts towards the end of the year.
If you are going for overall position you have given everyone one far to much of a start even if you get lucky with injuries I think the best you could hope for from where you are now is top 5k.
how u going this year anyways Fenno?
Traveling ok 1328th and only 1 trade down so no out of it yet. How about you Marcz?


actually, there's a standardised format for these forums to post your team. It's not exactly hard to find.


and hey dude, I wasn't hacking on your spelling or grammar... it's just, that considering that's what you meant, you said it in a way that was completely misleading and just worded confusingly.


Quote from: luvfooty on April 28, 2011, 09:14:56 PM
what are you going to do this week a few donuts in your team.

nothing mate will start trying to upgrade the rookies that are closest to milking time after this round. At his stage I only have one donut, 2 if krakwhore doesn't play. He's on the extended bench at this stage. Have conca as cover for heppel if he doesn't play. BT just said on 'the teams' on foxtel that heppell told his mum he isn't playing and she spilt the beans to somkeone in the media


Quote from: Ziplock on April 28, 2011, 09:18:47 PM
actually, there's a standardised format for these forums to post your team. It's not exactly hard to find.


and hey dude, I wasn't hacking on your spelling or grammar... it's just, that considering that's what you meant, you said it in a way that was completely misleading and just worded confusingly.

relax ziplock i apoligised very early in the thread about the way my team was posted if you have a look back. the way I wrote it wasn't misleading, maybe in a court of law.

Just let it go ziplock if the way i posted this topic is the biggest issue in your life you are probably doing pretty well. no more on this mate


you actually have 4 donuts maybe 5 if harris isn`t named


dude what is your team name?


i tried them all with no success copied straight from your post also wrote it myself

any chance you can do it like everyone else? i am interested to see your team its impossible the way you put it what r u averaging???

Backs: Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, Player 4, Player 5, Player 6, Player 7 <Player 8, Player 9, Player 10>

Midfield: Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, Player 4, Player 5, Player 6 <Player 7, Player 8, Player 9>

Rucks: Player 1, Player 2 <Player 3, Player 4>

Forwards: Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, Player 4, Player 5, Player 6, Player 7 <Player 8, Player 9, Player 10>

Cash Left: $??