800k in the bank. Have i made a good move???

Started by wcarey, April 27, 2011, 10:56:59 PM

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Quote from: MissPiesFF on April 29, 2011, 01:58:46 AM
Yup I got the same thing. To be honest I can not be bothered with fakers any more.

nah definitely not a faker i could be bothered coz i thought it was originally



Quote from: MissPiesFF on April 29, 2011, 02:05:25 AM
Well if he is real why the post?

what the initial post? he wants to know if we reckon his strat will pay off or not


just search for 'WayneCarey' and you will find his team.

the only thing is that $800k only represents about 4 serious upgrades - even if you harvest the cash cows at their peak.....


must of been the & symbol giving the search issues.

based on your current team i dont think your any better off then me and i am doing a normal strat plus i am averaging 110 per round more atm


Quote from: MissPiesFF on April 29, 2011, 02:05:25 AM
Well if he is real why the post?

I've got better things to do that put up fake posts misspies you f&*king ball bag. atleast im trying something different. im sure every overall or league winner in good leagues has tried something different and it has paid off. Things are not as black and white in dt these days as there is so much info on fan footy, footy utopia and dt talk that most people just act like sheep. Im not saying my team will go well, i didnt start this thread to start an argument. My team may well go to sh*t but i9m trying something different.


your post has three question marks in it. Clearly you're looking for peoples opinions, just because they don't validate your own, doesn't give you a right to go off at them.

F ucktard.


Quote from: Ziplock on April 29, 2011, 11:35:56 PM
your post has three question marks in it. Clearly you're looking for peoples opinions, just because they don't validate your own, doesn't give you a right to go off at them.

F ucktard.

no sh*t ziplock you fudge packer. im talking about saying i have a fake team and creating a thread for no reason


well, some people would pull that shower for fun. Ever heard the term 'trolling'?


yeh mate. anyway at the end of the day we'll see what happens. ill do an update at some stage


I lik the idea of being different let me know how u go wcarey



Definitely not taking sides. I don't think this will pay off in the slightest, but I like the guts and am VERY interested in how this goes. I went the "sheep" option with about 4 or 5 roughies. All my roughies sank, so now I'm screwed for the season, so you may well beat me.
Just some advice though, be careful who you swear at or attack on this site. Some people have made good names for themselves and are quite well liked. Sure, people had no right to have a go at you, but you didn't help yourself with some of your rebuttals.
Good luck though!
