HELP! Scoring during 3 Team Byes?

Started by Scribblar, April 23, 2011, 02:32:38 AM

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Hi Guys,
Could someone please explain the reason for Team scores during the 3 way Byes where 3 teams are having a Bye during one weekend and your Fantasy Team is playing no other Team in your League.

Do the Team's points you score in those weeks count? How?
There are no Against points, so they can't adjust your percentage. And you can't get 4 points for a win of course.
Is this correct?

What's the reason for fielding a team during these Rounds?
I'm confused, so if anyone can explain this to me I'd be really grateful.

Thanks in Advance.


Their scores still affect your overall score, but have no bearing on your league.


^ you don't play anyone, has nothing to do with league, but affects your overall.


Thanks guys,

And I've had a look at my scores, and for the first time these Fantasy Leagues have become schizophrenic.

I have 8,000+ overall and 6,000+ in my League. Crazy.

The League creators should have set an average ghost Team score, and each team could have played against that during the 3 way Byes. Then ALL year, your League score would match your Overall.
