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Take a look at this R&B

Started by Master Q, April 22, 2011, 04:04:35 PM

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Master Q

By GM you mean Del? What exactly did he do?

8-6 Suited

Didn't tell me specific details... I was just told it was due to suspicious activity or something like that. Can't remember the exact words however.

And delt isn't the only GM.

Master Q


Justin Bieber

There are quite a few of them Q. Top of the head there is Del, Butlee, R0blet, Dkou and probably a few more.

Well guess if there was a reason......

8-6 Suited

There is a couple of them. And a few MODS. :P All can tell me the same thing, just one of them can do the punishment and the other can only read about it.



Yep, lots of MODs, GMs don't show when you search though :P


i am in the process of building players up now since i have a young roster and growing academy

Master Q

8-6 Suited

There is a couple whom are no longer GM's though... Who were.


8-6 Suited

Butlee hasn't been a GM for a year... :x

Master Q

Quote from: 8-6 Suited on April 26, 2011, 01:46:06 PM
There is a couple whom are no longer GM's though... Who were.
How long ago was this?????

8-6 Suited

Just never you mind. It is why he made a new account instead of using his old accounts name... Because it was banned.


Quote from: Hellopplz on April 25, 2011, 11:16:28 PM
Quote from: Alex7089 on April 24, 2011, 05:04:57 PM
Yeah because CC got destroyed. Or his account did.
It wasn't because of that, that made him an unpopular NAT manager, but it was his inability to log in for a month (close to) for his account to go Bot. Didn't let anybody know either which pissed off some of the Kenyans as Q also went away for a little while leaving everything to the assistant to set everything (and Q was made manager after CC went Bot).

You actually have to be inactive for 50 days before your account will be deactivated.