Rounds 4, 5 & 6 - Chance to try different a Captain?

Started by Slashers, April 13, 2011, 05:54:18 PM

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Is anyone else thinking there is no reason to use Swan as a Perma-Captain for rounds 4, 5 & 6 as there is no fear of losing a head-to-head against another Swan Perma-Captain?
Could be a really GREAT chance to pick well and jump into the top 500 :) or 100 :D or BETTER ;D
Players that you would normally be too worried to pick like Cox, Rockliff, Franklin, Goodes, Fyfe, Enright, Selwood, Rioli ETC..

Is anyone else gonna have a punt if there seems to be a better choice than Swan??


Yeah probably, will need to look up the stats for each round, which I havent yet for the other individuals

Hmm.  Against Richmond, swan train all the way, expect 5 goals lol.

Richmond (MCG ) - 136

Essendon (MCG) - 109
Bulldogs (MCG)  - 120

Probably not for Essendon/Bulldogs will need to see.


guess it really depends on how serious you are in going for overall.


Your saying your scared of all your league opponents having swan and you don't want to lose. How about all the others going for overall choosing swan?


Quote from: Slashers on April 13, 2011, 05:54:18 PM
Could be a really GREAT chance to pick well and jump into the top 500 :) or 100 :D or BETTER ;D



An absolute fact of supercoach is you have take risks, this is a perfect time to do it cause you can't lose in your league! Definitely agree, I'll be going with Sylvia captain


After a slow start last week, the mighty Dane Swan powered home for a solid 108, his worst score for 2011, but it could have been worse. This week, Swan is projected by SuperGold to kill the Tigers for a massive 152, and I agree. In his last game against them he had a career best score of 190 and even had a 149 back in 2009.


didnt pay off with cox, got VC loophole so not this week i think..


got my pre lockout VC this week, but can't see them scoring enough to not keep swanny