Am I MAD to be thinking this?

Started by Arradin, April 08, 2011, 07:43:27 PM

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Alrighty sorry for there to be yet another thread about foley/libba but I have been thinking to stick with foley and hopefully after a couple of decent scores he will be all good again and it will be as if these first 2 rounds never happened.

All week I have thought to stick with foley but there seems to be an overwhelming amount of people who are going to trade foley out for libba/curnow. Most signs are saying trade and you will save money now, plus the money that libba/curnow will make and you will be happy (minus a trade but happy).

I am happy to do so but there is a little voice in the back of my head saying "Hold onto foley!!". Sure his first couple of scores have been disappointing but after a couple of rounds they will be out of his 3 game bracket and his pricing. I am having thinking about job security of the other two (both named on bench in reach of a fluro vest) and thinking that foley is pretty much guaranteed a game every week.

Am I mad and overthinking this? Should I just trade and be done with it or should I stick with my team and ride out a couple of bad scores?

Master Q

Do the trade. But if this means you are going into 20/21 trades and you think your team is still unstable THEN, repeat, then it's up to you.

Cam DM

Can't help but feeling the trade is a good option and Foley ain't got the goods to deliver this year. Get Libba or Curnow in (leaning towards Libba, but who knows?) and bank some cash plus ride the rookie price rise wave.


Im holding Foley he will be unique after everyone has traded him away and I have faith he will come good.


Be cautious. Foley is almost guaranteed the full season of games. He is a lot better player than he has shown in JUST 2 games!!!

But if your dead set on the trade. Then do it. But I can't help but feel that it's useless. Libba won't crack tons week in & week out. But maybe he might....Damn! SO frustrating.  ;)


i vote for doing the trade - i like Libba Jnr and see a lot of heart and guts like his dad.

not saying Foley doesn't have it cos it sounds like he was so keen to get on the park that he duped Hardwick into letting him play when he had the showers, but Libba Jnr gets his own ball and if that's not working you know he'll be tackling ...

i can just see his old man giving him a backhander when Libba Jnr didn't lay any tackles in Auskick games!!   ;)