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Started by bomberboy0618, April 08, 2011, 04:20:53 PM

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What a faggot. He sent me 2 igm's telling me to stop bidding on Nick Austin, then said ill get banned for illegal bidding.


what constitutes an illegal bid?

8-6 Suited

Dont listen to him BB. He is a faggot, and you did nothing wrong.

In fact, report him.


nah its been cleared up.
Coz i used transfer agent he thought i hacked it, which is dumb but im a forgiving guy.
I got him so idc anymore.


You mean bidding agent??
Sounds dumb, nice of you to forgive him...I'd report him.


im a nice guy, but if i was angry id have reported him.


lol he sent me a message saying he's looking for friends O.O


lawl. Send him one back...Be his friend :P

roo boys!

Quote from: BOOMZ on April 08, 2011, 05:11:40 PM
lol he sent me a message saying he's looking for friends O.O
I didn't get one, I'm sad :( ;)


Barlow 21

I got a friend Pm from him too.


BB - report him. This guy is a cheat. If you look at his transfer history, on Jan 27 he bought a player off 'Blazing Bulls' who I was very suspicious of doing dodgy transfers. It was proven that this guy was cheating (with several teams with the same ip address) doing these dodgy transfers. I wrote down the ip address and this is the same guy.

Don't feel sorry for him BB. Report him. He will eventually do the same thing again, making the game more unfair for those who do play by the rules.


i dont have the heart :(
ill do it when im in a bad mood so i dont feel guilty.

Barlow 21
