do i need to drop atley or not?

Started by sledgey7, April 07, 2011, 08:38:35 PM

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my midfield is,

swan, boyd, gibbs, montag, pavlich and harris  with atley, prestia and swallow on the bench. good rookies that will definitely make money but it's killing me not having curnow or libba and atley hasn't really lived up to the hype. he's prob got better js than the other but they're just so much better looking and will make a packet over the next few weeks.


iv decided to keep atley in my team for now. i moved heppel to the backs for hibberd and traded him out for libba because he isn't set to play for another couple of weeks at least. but if u dnt have that option i would be dropping atley n jumping on board libba.. just looks really good and is set to make a huge amount of money for ya


i was actually gonna go for curnow but still tossing up. i know how it's gonna go. should i or shouldn't i? should i or shouldn't i............5 mins before lockout. flower it! everybody loves a trade!



Do not worry about fattening your wallet. At worse leave Atley to rot as your 3rd mid emergency. You will have the opportunity to downgrade him when a Mzungu or a Hibberd plays. If your getting itchy fingers i would rather go

Swallow > Curnow/Libba
Thier you go, you have made money...........


Quote from: thornz23 on April 07, 2011, 08:46:10 PM
iv decided to keep atley in my team for now. i moved heppel to the backs for hibberd and traded him out for libba because he isn't set to play for another couple of weeks at least. but if u dnt have that option i would be dropping atley n jumping on board libba.. just looks really good and is set to make a huge amount of money for ya

Thornz. You not worried about dpp with mids & backs.

I to have pondered the same option by putting Heppell to the back for Hibberd but like the idea of dpp. This is why I may trade Atley for Curnow over Libba as I would have 3 out come round 4 with Libba in my team.

Sledgy would also have the same problem round 4 with Boyd, Montgs & Libba out. Would be hoping like hell every 1 else is named in your mids. If not all named round 4 poss donut or trade coming up.


Quote from: korza on April 07, 2011, 09:04:54 PM

Do not worry about fattening your wallet. At worse leave Atley to rot as your 3rd mid emergency. You will have the opportunity to downgrade him when a Mzungu or a Hibberd plays. If your getting itchy fingers i would rather go

Swallow > Curnow/Libba
Thier you go, you have made money...........
+1. We must all remember that we ALL had Mzungu in our teams at the start of the season and he will return around the time for the natural progression of your bank. Using a trade this early plays with your season's structure, trust your set-up, Atley will eventually make you money and will be downgradeable at the right time.


Quote from: Yoshi on April 07, 2011, 09:12:18 PM
Quote from: thornz23 on April 07, 2011, 08:46:10 PM
iv decided to keep atley in my team for now. i moved heppel to the backs for hibberd and traded him out for libba because he isn't set to play for another couple of weeks at least. but if u dnt have that option i would be dropping atley n jumping on board libba.. just looks really good and is set to make a huge amount of money for ya

Thornz. You not worried about dpp with mids & backs.

I to have pondered the same option by putting Heppell to the back for Hibberd but like the idea of dpp. This is why I may trade Atley for Curnow over Libba as I would have 3 out come round 4 with Libba in my team.

Sledgy would also have the same problem round 4 with Boyd, Montgs & Libba out. Would be hoping like hell every 1 else is named in your mids. If not all named round 4 poss donut or trade coming up.
not too worried think im just gna wait for jacobs when he comes back now.. u just can't really afford to have hibberd sitting on ure bench doing nothing imo..

I have no other players out in my mids in rd 4 besides libba so im all sweet :p but yeh i really dno about curnow.. so many players to come back into the carlton midfield..

atley is definitely going to make u money at some point. buuut libba is looking like he is going to make more money and quicker.. this means that u can make that upgrade to a premium quicker and possibly with less trades which is y i think it may be worthwhile jumping on board.


Quote from: korza on April 07, 2011, 09:04:54 PM

Do not worry about fattening your wallet. At worse leave Atley to rot as your 3rd mid emergency. You will have the opportunity to downgrade him when a Mzungu or a Hibberd plays. If your getting itchy fingers i would rather go

Swallow > Curnow/Libba
Thier you go, you have made money...........

+0.5 Atley is still playing so keep him, if you arent going to start him. Watch swallows break even score next week and if its too much then trade Swallow if you want.


Fair comment Thornz. Might have swayed me that way also as Hibberd isn't due back for a few more weeks I here. No real hard facts just what I'm hering.

If Hibberd was going to play you would have thought this week would have been it considering some of Essendons injuries.


hibberd's got a thigh niggle i think


I just read through the chat on Essendon w/site about people's reaction to an article on BomberTV and Hibberd is 1-2 weeks away although not listed on official injury list??


atley will come good. he's had two tough games to start.

hang in there

Cam DM

Exactly, has had two tough games. Has good JS, I'm not panicking and trading for Libba or Curnow.


I am yet to see one good reason to drop Atley. Bench him he has the bye. When round 4 comes in to play with the 3 byes you will be glad you kept him. He will play next round and his cash flow will be reasonably nice after his 3rd game. He will have rested and come back against the Dockers at PS. Going up against the Pies is hard for any rookie. KEEP!
