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A Few Things

Started by Master Q, April 05, 2011, 09:33:44 PM

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roo boys!


Quote from: roo boys! on April 05, 2011, 09:58:35 PM
Quote from: MajorLazer on April 05, 2011, 09:55:50 PM

Damn school. :(
I'm doing simultaneous equations right now and I hate the substitution method, but they're forcing us to use it. :(


I have another year after this one. FML.

roo boys!

Quote from: MajorLazer on April 05, 2011, 10:00:00 PM
Quote from: roo boys! on April 05, 2011, 09:58:35 PM
Quote from: MajorLazer on April 05, 2011, 09:55:50 PM

Damn school. :(
I'm doing simultaneous equations right now and I hate the substitution method, but they're forcing us to use it. :(
I've got a lot of work from when I went away to Brisbane my teachers expect me to hand the assignments that they gave to me today in to them tomorrow.


Q, just realised i brought Wilkinson off you :)

pretty good player he is.


Voting for picton has nothing to do with you. After considering everything I voted for who I thought was the most worthy


First of all Q, I want to echo all the sentiments from everyone else here and welcome you back.

Secondly, the reason(s) I went with Picton over you...

1) He has been involved in the US community, have you? You, along with CC left the Kenyan community in disarray last season.

2) You have been acting like a spoilt sport, who throws a tantrum everytime he doesn't get something that goes his way!! I want to echo what Shaggy said down in the FB, we appreciate the efforts that you put in to this site. Your feedback, efforts, thoughts are always filled with wisdom, knowledge, and always helpful.

However, if you want us to be sympathetic towards you when you disappear with little notice, then re-appear only to crack it due to a few messages on the cricket board wondering why you had been on FTP but had forgotten about FF, then you are going to struggle throughout life when you have the slightest crticism thrown your way.

It's about time Q, that you live up to your title. You want to be known as "Master Q", then start acting like it!! Grow up and start to be mature, and realise that there were plenty of good messages that were wishing you were back as well....

Otherwise, you definitely won't get any sympathy from me. You're great for FF, but you need to harden up if you want full respect.

Anyway, welcome back. I look forward to your ongoing contributions that make FF the great site that it is ;)


I decided to vote in canada actually coz thats were im part of the offsite.

roo boys!

Quote from: bomberboy0618 on April 06, 2011, 07:46:38 AM
I decided to vote in canada actually coz thats were im part of the offsite.
Who did you vote for? I remember you saying this:
Quote from: bomberboy0618 on April 05, 2011, 08:01:59 PM
I voted for picton to stick it to the man (q)


Yeah i realised i was being a tightass doing that.
Check the other thread.


i am unsure whether to vote for surprize or aussie. both part of the community. Both have plenty of exp. Aussie has beaten no1 team twice. Suprize bleeds Canada though . Decisions decisions????

roo boys!

Quote from: cookie311993 on April 06, 2011, 08:01:19 AM
i am unsure whether to vote for surprize or aussie. both part of the community. Both have plenty of exp. Aussie has beaten no1 team twice. Suprize bleeds Canada though . Decisions decisions????
All your choice mate :)

I think I am taking surprize on in a friendly soon. *gulp


yeah i know. tough choice. i have to play surprize in canadian cup

Justin Bieber

Quote from: MajorLazer on April 05, 2011, 09:55:50 PM
Welcome back Q. Us Zimbots are doing better than what everyone thinks we're doing. I'm still an assistant, but have told Sockit that because of school, I can't do very much to help out.

Damn school. :(
I feel your pain! Gave up assistant U19 for Aussies :'(.

Nice player Q! The Red Star inflated the price a bit but looks to goods 8). Good luck getting him into the World Cup where he might face Currie ;D.