Brownlow Predictions Round 24: Judd to win, but wait there is more

Started by Usman, April 05, 2011, 02:31:13 PM

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roo boys!

What do you think of A.Swallow so far Usman?


A.Swallow is one of my absolute favourites wait 5 mins ill post what i have done for rd 5 i would love your help for the Richmond v Kangas game cant decide and i dont want to be bias towards richmond and i know you certainly wont be :P after rd 4 i have him on 2 votes but most likely 4 after rd 5 which is exceptional considering they have not one a game and have had a bye.


Round 5

BL v StK
3 L. Montagna 168
2 J. Redden 155
1 A. Schnieder 120
honourable mentions- Adcock, Fisher, Rockliff

Port v GC
3 M. Rischitelli 189
2 J. Brennan 154
1 D. Swallow 120
Honourable mentions- Hartlett, Ablett, Matera

Carl v Adel
3 C. Judd 166 (Thought murphy would def get the 3 but Judd always polls well and he had more points so i just gave him the 3)
2 M. Murphy 141
1 G. Johncock

Kang v Rich
3 D. Martin 169
2 A. Swallow 183
1 D. Petrie 182
Honourable mentions- Cotchin 153 , Riewoldt 167
NEED HELP WITH THIS GAME PLEASE!!!!!!!! left it as is Roo will probs get a vote but he shouldnt above either swallow or petrie so i will leave it

Ess v Coll
3 S. Pendlebury 190
2 L. Davis 123
1 J. Watson 142 Very Iffy on Jobe here
Honourbale mentions- Shaw, Cloke, Swan, Crameri

Fre v WB
3 M. Boyd 226 is this the best individual performance in a losing team?
2 D. Mundy 165
1 A. Sandilands 166
Honourable mentions- Pavlich, Fyfe

Haw v Geel
3 J. Selwood 162
2 P. Chapman 146
1 B. Sewell 155
Honourbale mentions- Bartel


Justin Bieber

Quote from: bomberboy0618 on April 28, 2011, 06:48:42 AM
I reckon matera will get a vote.
Mats ahead of Swallow. Mats was much better for the whole game and Swallow really only played the last quarter.


thats the thing though it was a hell of a qtr might stick in the umps minds, i was split between Matera 109 Ablett 110 and Swallow 120 could be any of the 3 IMO just went with who scored the most.

Justin Bieber

But Ablett did the same as Swallow though :-\. Their last quarter was AWESOME but Mats would be much more deserving of the vote but as you said Usman, may not get it ahead of the midfielders ::).


mmm decisions, decisions. Any ideas on the Kang v Rich game are my votes accurate?

Justin Bieber

I didn't watch the game so can't really help you there Ussie :(.

roo boys!

Fairly accurate I think.

3 for Martin is likely, mainly because he played a crucial part in winning the game, hence the slightly lower score but that should be ignored for this exception.

2 for Swallow or Petrie, not sure about the order on this one. Swallow tried his guts out all game and was playing very well in the contested situations. Petrie killed it in the first half, but IMO didn't deliver enough towards the end.
I'm not blaming him, just saying that after his first half it tapered off a bit.

JRoo played well, perhaps he may pick up 1 vote here. Did well towards the end..


Quote from: roo boys! on April 28, 2011, 11:44:44 PM
Fairly accurate I think.

3 for Martin is likely, mainly because he played a crucial part in winning the game, hence the slightly lower score but that should be ignored for this exception.

2 for Swallow or Petrie, not sure about the order on this one. Swallow tried his guts out all game and was playing very well in the contested situations. Petrie killed it in the first half, but IMO didn't deliver enough towards the end.
I'm not blaming him, just saying that after his first half it tapered off a bit.

JRoo played well, perhaps he may pick up 1 vote here. Did well towards the end..
Agree for the most of it... 3- Dusty Martin, 2- Petrie, 1-Jroo


Usman, top work love another fellowman's work dealing with the brownlow. If you need a hand, which i dont think you do cause you're doing a marvellous job, ill lend u a hand. At the end of round 5 due to my brownlow calculations, the leaders of each team are as follows:

Ade   Thompson : 3-4 votes
Bris    Black/Redden : 2 votes
Carl    Judd/Murphy: 9-10 votes
Coll     Pendles : 9 votes
Ess     Watson : 8 votes
Freo    Pav : 6 votes
Geel    Bartel 7-8 votes
GC       Ablett: 3-4 votes
Haw    Franklin :6 votes
Melb    Moloney: 8-9 votes
North Swallow/Petrie: 2 votes
Port     Westhoff : 3 votes
Rich     Deledio/Martin: 3-4 votes
StK      Montagne: 3 votes
Syd      Goodes: 6 votes
WC      Cox :  5 votes
WB      Boyd: 8 votes


still havnt finished rd 5 yet but my results are and will be extremely similar to those. Rischitelli (3) over Ablett (2) at GC Westoff at Port they have won a game remeber so they should have some vote getters. Boyd is a big surprise out of that group IMO with 8 votes already i have him on 2 after 4 rounds but he will get a 2 or 3 in round 5 i would imagine after his 45 possie performance, so that makes him 4-5 after 5, what games have you given boyd votes?


Round 5 finally done and updated on leaderboard on original post  :)


pretty sure C.JUDD 3 votes for carl V syd