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Started by Alex7089, April 01, 2011, 07:36:09 PM

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have some comments been deleted here cas I feel like im missing the bulk of the argument..


Quote from: Alex7089 on April 01, 2011, 07:54:25 PM
That was personal issues combined with an insane workload. I never accused you guys of pushing me out though :o
I believe a similar thing has happened to Q, so I can empathise.
I certainly didn't mean to imply that you were pushed (Q's post just beat mine in before) but I think more that we may have put too much pressure on Q to create the 'next biggger, more exciting adventure in here' and that we may have all been saturated with the exectation of the spectacular.
He consistantly delivered entertaining stuff and intellectual retort but maybe that was how he felt 'the push' as the forum expectation that he would again deliver the extraordinary. Could the hiatus be that the bar had been set so high?

Come back Q  :-* - We've all been where you've been, and to quote one of your old tags 'We're here to help'

*Friday night Ask Q in players and trades needs a comeback! It is where I first had my man-crush on you after you helped me with Rockliff last year  ;)



Hey Q I know in the past we had our run ins & we sorted it out & I kept my promise through here & also PM's so hopefully I am also clear.

Easy way around this is to come back at your own leisure & stating the obvious if you really want to.

Hope you decide to comeback!


Remember Q, you dictate how you are seen and received.
Things have changed a lot here since you left. We understand why you left but what angers me is that you found the time for FTP and not for us. In you USA app you said you would become an active part of their community, yet you hadn't been sighted here for a really long time.

I still have immense respect for you and your contributions to the site, I would be very happy to see you come back, and I'm sure everyone else feels the same.
It is hard to explain but I suppose we felt a bit burnt.

Master Q

Quote from: naste on April 01, 2011, 08:09:00 PMstating the obvious if you really want to.
That's the last option...


Master Q

Quote from: Alex7089 on April 01, 2011, 08:09:25 PM
Remember Q, you dictate how you are seen and received.
Things have changed a lot here since you left. We understand why you left but what angers me is that you found the time for FTP and not for us. In you USA app you said you would become an active part of their community, yet you hadn't been sighted here for a really long time.

I still have immense respect for you and your contributions to the site, I would be very happy to see you come back, and I'm sure everyone else feels the same.
It is hard to explain but I suppose we felt a bit burnt.
I answered that before.


ok q its probs me who pushed u.
if u come back and expect us to all be all like "OMG q's back- especially as u go in ftp and post and w/e- then we naturally assume u ditched us.
But w/e hope u stay.


Quote from: bomberboy0618 on April 01, 2011, 08:11:39 PM
ok q its probs me who pushed u.
if u come back and expect us to all be all like "OMG q's back- especially as u go in ftp and post and w/e- then we naturally assume u ditched us.
But w/e hope u stay.

Speak proper English and he may listen.
Be nice, don't be arrogant.
We just hope he comes back for FF's sake.
Hope He forgives us.
And we understand why he went on FTP, to not get his account deactivated.

PS: I wasn't on long enough to see anything bad about him anyway, he seems really cool the way he posts on this site :) But none of us like it when he gets grumpy, so cut him some slack and everyone ask for forgivness and say sorry.


doesnt explain why he goes off and posts all in their forum. But w/e

Master Q

Why would I expect that. I think no one should expect that. But what I do expect is when I come back not to be pushed out. I received FTP messages from a few of you (They aren't going to be named) and some of you posted in my elections thread (!!!! What were you thinking???), so I decide I'll pop in.

Master Q

Quote from: Luigi197 on April 01, 2011, 08:13:13 PM
Quote from: bomberboy0618 on April 01, 2011, 08:11:39 PM
ok q its probs me who pushed u.
if u come back and expect us to all be all like "OMG q's back- especially as u go in ftp and post and w/e- then we naturally assume u ditched us.
But w/e hope u stay.

Speak proper English and he may listen.
Be nice, don't be arrogant.
We just hope he comes back for FF's sake.
Hope He forgives us.

PS: I wasnt on long enough to see anything bad about him anyway, he seems really cool the way he posts on this site :)
And we understand why he went on FTP, to not get his account deactivated.
Not to be rude or anything, but when you say us - yeh, I barely know you ;)


@ Q - What did you score in the Opening round of DT mate?


If anyone was supposedly "pusshing you out"; im sure it wasnt intended on stopping you from coming on. We just want explanations. To me ive heard enough and you should stay..