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Started by Alex7089, April 01, 2011, 07:36:09 PM

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We are just frustrated Q, you just left and we got no explanation and then when we saw you on FTP we thought you had just abandoned us.


Exactly as Alex said... What did u expect Q ??? sure I guess u had something going on but when u came back on FTP & not here it looked like u had left FF...

Master Q

Or have you pushed me out?


How did we push you out? Q I know you have a lot of stuff going on but could you please talk to us for just a few minutes? Explain some stuff to us? What has happened? :'(


I am sorry for anything that I may have done Q.

I would really like you back though. FF isn't the same and we have to continue our FTP rivalry. :)



In Q's defence - didn't Alex do something similar last season?

Alex's return was full of vigour and golden input and is certainly one of the most popular posters in here. When Q does return he will have similar enthusiasm and drive hopefully. It is our duty as his friends to allow him to make his own way back as we did with Alex.

or was it really a Turtle?  ;)


Quote from: McRooster on April 01, 2011, 07:51:54 PM
In Q's defence - didn't Alex do something similar last season?

Alex's return was full of vigour and golden input and is certainly one of the most popular posters in here. When Q does return he will have similar enthusiasm and drive hopefully. It is our duty as his friends to allow him to make his own way back as we did with Alex.

or was it really a Turtle?  ;)

Difference is Q came back to FTP but not here so it looked like he'd left FF...


That was personal issues combined with an insane workload. I never accused you guys of pushing me out though :o
I believe a similar thing has happened to Q, so I can empathise.


then he just threw a tantrum and left.

Master Q

Quote from: McRooster on April 01, 2011, 07:51:54 PM
In Q's defence - didn't Alex do something similar last season?

"That was personal issues combined with an insane workload."

This but 2x it.

"then he just threw a tantrum and left."

BOOMZ I don't have the same amount of time as you, I was planning to get back on when I could but I didn't want my FTP to be deactivated, then I saw the elections. I come back, I see the thread in the cricket board, say I'm back, then get cold comments.


Very sad :(

I think Q is a crucial part of this forum, sad that he feels we don't appreciate his effort.

I know we've had our arguments Q, and I apologise if I have contributed in anyway to you feeling unappreciated.


Something must have happened, I'm sorry if you feel like you have been pushed out. You are welcome back whenever you come.

Master Q

Quote from: ossie85 on April 01, 2011, 08:01:54 PM
Very sad :(

I think Q is a crucial part of this forum, sad that he feels we don't appreciate his effort.

I know we've had our arguments Q, and I apologise if I have contributed in anyway to you feeling unappreciated.
Don't worry Ossie, you weren't a main part of it. I couldn't come on cause of time and issues, and the reason that I didn't really want to come back.

But what makes me angry is how some people swing and aren't grateful.


Yeh Q uve gotta look at how the people making those comments also others must feel.

But we all do have to look at Qs side of the story.

hopefully we can work this out, as we dont want to lose a great contributer to this forum.