Piss off Nic Nat!

Started by supercoach addict, March 31, 2011, 06:20:48 PM

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supercoach addict

Cox scores the best in SC when Nic nat is not playing which we all saw last week and way back in the day before Nic Nat was drafted. I don't think Cox will be getting great scores sharing the ruck.


Coxy had injuries as well though SC addict ...

supercoach addict

Yeah true I think a large part of it was Nic Nat stealin his time in the ruck though.


I think the sub rule will help this year as they will be resting in the forward line and not on the bench


Yeh chances are they will be on the feild alot longer than last year with the sub rule... resting up forward is where cox shows his best


coxxy will still score well. he'll spend time up forward and kick goals. nab cup he and nicnat took the centre bounces together. so i doubt very much they will sub either of them , unless because of nicnat's injury


they will play coxy up front when hes tired so he can still score big
id rather see nic nat up the front so it gives coxy more time in the middle


He will be fine. I personally put his low scores down to injury in the last couple of years. Should be a monster again this year.


Cox will either go forward or back to rest though rather than the bench


Will his body hold up with more game time thats the question. Will be intersting to see how he scores with another ruckman in his own team and actually having an opponent.


He'll still get 130s and more , will rest in the fwd line a bit. May not hurt that much the big fella is
fit and firing.