Luke Shuey and side way trades

Started by first_time, March 30, 2011, 03:01:47 PM

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Should I upgrade Luke Shuey to Chapman? Or give him another week to prove himself.

My team weakness at this stage seems to be M. Clark (who I'm willing to give another chance to) and Shuey.

Also, is it worth trading Franklin etc for a unique?  I understand it is pretty much a sideway trade but I'm playing someone this week and we have 18 players exactly the same.


clarkey will prolly spend time up forward with browndog gone and there's no way u should trade buddy, he kicked 2.6 , if it had of been 6.2 u would be laughing. chaps should come down in price.  so wait


give it some time... let your players prove their worth, 1 bad game doesnt mean anything.

franklin should be in every team by default.

how can you afford to upgrade shuey to chappy? you must have loads of cash in the bank.




Do not trade out Franklin.  you will only give your opponent an advantage.


i would wait a few rounds (except injuries of course) ,we have only had one game,  best to wait till at least rnd 6-7 before trading imo :)


Don't trade now, wait for a drop from chappy , why do you want to trade shuey? 1 poor game? Not a reason to trade, btw no idea what he scored so assume it was poor


Quote from: Mish on March 30, 2011, 03:49:08 PM
give it some time... let your players prove their worth, 1 bad game doesnt mean anything.

franklin should be in every team by default.

how can you afford to upgrade shuey to chappy? you must have loads of cash in the bank.
mish, can't i have Rioli instead of Franklin??   ;)

but seriously as mish said first_timer give the Shuester some time, he is some of the only quality (along with Priddis) in that WCE engine room.

i'm not an old-head at this but i am old and will give you this ...

do not sideways trade as far as possible (barring inj/unacceptable doughnut\s/Relton Roberts phenomenon) - it is a rookie mistake. i had Lewis Jetta last year and sideways traded him to Kane Lucas and guess what happened the week i did that trade?? twang and Lucas was out for the season.  "you cut me deep Shrek, you cut me deep" and the lesson was learned for evermore ...   :'(


I am not sure why the assumption that chappy will fall in value - he hasn't played a game yet. When chaps has played 2 games then perhaps trade him in as 1 of your rookies has atleast managed 2 price rises. I also have 200k in the bank for a chappy upgrade. Keep in mind his bye is round 6 the same as buddy. So ideally round 7 is the best time to grab him otherwise consider a sideways trade for round 6.

Just on a side note: I have got cam bruce who is on notice this week if he has a poor game against melb (anything less than 120 he's out) replaced by heppell if he has a 90 point game against the swans. There are other uniques I have in mind but I am not prepared to lose 80k in 3 games would prefer to see my player value rising and trade bruce in later when found some pill winning form.


shuey`s score was poor but so was n.roo,stevie.j,goddard and i could keep listing them.but i`m not going to trade them out after one game.and shuey is only $280k and he had an interupted preseason as well.


Shuey's score wasnt the best no. But what was impressive were his possessions. If he keeps playing like that, he will get more of the ball because his team mates will be forced to look for him. He could become the go to guy this season because of his composure and has a decent kick on him. I would hold on to him for sure.