Rookies scoring 100 + over first 2 weeks.. Advice needed!

Started by ben_020285, March 30, 2011, 11:59:39 AM

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So if for example Curnow and Tapscott repeat their round 1 performances and again score 100, is it worth trading a fellow rookie who is not scoring well or would it just be a waste of trade?



If you have someone like Atley and he scores 40 again you might consider it. But it all depends on how much you value your trades and how much you think they are worth


Last year I committed the sideways-trade sin to get Rockliff into my side before the bubble burst and did not regret it.
You'd want to be pretty certain before doing it but how certain can you be with only 2 games (and the pre-season) to go by?


I think it's being a smart coach to eliminate deadwood after round 2.  I would go so far as to say it's acceptable to do the same with underperforming mid-priced fwds or backs (along the lines of Yarran if he doesn't improve).


well id be getting the good rookies before the price goes up, plus you will make money off them anyway.
just gotta way up whether you wanna waste 2 trades to do so.
i think its worth it


Thanks for the advice so far.

Best case scenario would be that Curnow and Tapscott score rubbish scores this week so i'm not tempted and can hold on to my trades..

I'm thinking that if either of them crack the 100 then I'll have to get them in.

Also, hopefully the rookies that I have who didnt score 70 + last week can score better this week and justify a place in my team (Duigan, Bewick, Irons, Buckley, Richardson)