Yes, before you say it, I know, but...

Started by Talisman, March 29, 2011, 10:21:45 PM

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Ok, people, here is my dilemma...

I bought Sam Fisher on the proviso that Ross Lyon had moved Sam Gilbert to the forward line this year, thus freeing up the ball coming off the half-back line for Fisher to cash in on/up his ppg average from 91 to back above 100...

Unfortunately, I had not taken into account that Mr. Lyon had his nuts removed at some stage, and had given up the choice of where his players were to play to... His bloody players!!! Poor baby Gilbert didn't want to play up fwd, so what did Lyon do - LET HIM KEEP PLAYING IN THE BACKLINE!!! Thus, hurting Fisher's scoring potential...

So... My thoughts are thus:
Ditch Fisher now (knowing his scoring potential will likely be lower with Gilbert playing in the back line with him & taking points off him), and pick up Harry Taylor from the Cats.

Logic being that Harry Taylor is a younger player, with greater upside, has a beautiful kick on him, spoils, takes contested & uncontested marks - usually from opposition kicks, racks up the touches, has a high efficiency rating, etc.

Ok, I know many people will tell me not to panic, but this is the only trade I am considering, & I think in the long-run it could be more than justified - only wish I'd known that Ross Lyon was such a freakin pansy BEFORE the round 1 lockout!

I want honest opinions & real answers - please don't just say "don't panic!". Early trades aren't always bad - they're not necessarily the evil of all evils for heavens sake!! So, thoughts??



Sigh...  ::)

I'm sorry, but mate your comment doesn't really give me any new information to assist in my decision-making process... Anyone else with something of use to add would be greatly appreciated!


hey mate, i see where you come from but dont trade round 1, wait till the next couple of weeks before price changes then trade, He might play well


could work out alright in long run, ball might spend more time in geelong def half this year with the aging list and expected decline, but def wait for 1 more week before doing it.


okay mate. you want something of use here it is look at sam fishers history of scoring has never really had a problem with it at all even when gilbert was down there

so the bottom line is fisher is a gun dont lose faith in him and mor importantly DO NOT trade.........yet

sorry if i wasnt help before but it just irritates me when people want to trade after one bad game.


Gotta give him another chance. He can play well eg. Grand Final number 1


you should have realised that gilbert was never going to move after his drama with riewoldt.. there would be too many arguments :P

but anyway.. dont trade yet.. you never know whats going to happen.. its only round 2


Quote from: eagles929406 on March 29, 2011, 10:46:15 PM
could work out alright in long run, ball might spend more time in geelong def half this year with the aging list and expected decline, but def wait for 1 more week before doing it.
i think you will find sam fisher plays for the saints mate
and as far as the saints go i think they have one last crack.


Quote from: ando_10 on March 29, 2011, 10:49:34 PM
Quote from: eagles929406 on March 29, 2011, 10:46:15 PM
could work out alright in long run, ball might spend more time in geelong def half this year with the aging list and expected decline, but def wait for 1 more week before doing it.
i think you will find sam fisher plays for the saints mate
and as far as the saints go i think they have one last crack.

talking about harry taylor sorry for any confusion


shakes head - waves arms - stamps feet. for heavens sake why do people keep asking if they should trade, when they know that they will be told not to. if u want to trade ,trade -- your loss


Quote from: ando_10 on March 29, 2011, 10:48:00 PM
okay mate. you want something of use here it is look at sam fishers history of scoring has never really had a problem with it at all even when gilbert was down there

so the bottom line is fisher is a gun dont lose faith in him and mor importantly DO NOT trade.........yet

sorry if i wasnt help before but it just irritates me when people want to trade after one bad game.

Less to do with one bad game, more to do with the make-up of the team/positioning of players within that team having changed prior to Rd. 1, but no-one knew about it... Gilbert being in the back-line does have a negative effect on Fisher's scoring - obvious when you look at Gilbert's break-out year being 2009 (went from 56 ave in '08 to 95 ave in '09), which chopped Fisher's scoring down ('08 ave = 101, '09/'10 ave's = 92/91) - so that's a no-brainer - Gilbert down back (which he was NOT meant to be until he chucked a hissy fit!) drains points from Fisher.

As I said, not about 1 bad game (that I can cop!) - rather, a strategic move, based on the fact that I took a gamble on a particular positional switch having the benefit of upping 1 players - this now looks highly unlikely to pay off, therefore, the astute thing to do is admit the gamble has back-fired, cut my losses, & plump for another option with greater benefits - again a risk, but this one more likely to pay off. IMO.


Quote from: yorgis on March 29, 2011, 11:02:35 PM
shakes head - waves arms - stamps feet. for heavens sake why do people keep asking if they should trade, when they know that they will be told not to. if u want to trade ,trade -- your loss

Seriously? All that over a forum post??

Ok, firstly, calm down - it's ok! Yay!  ;D

Secondly, I am very happy for you that your team is either, (a). 100% perfect, or, (b). you're have 100% confidence that all of your players that under-performed in Rd.1 will eventually be worth being patient with.

Unfortunately, in my case, I am not confident that S.Fisher will ave. any higher than 90 - now while that's nothing to be sneezed at, for me that's not the season ave. of a premium keeper that will take me to a league win/high overall ranking... I am simply asking for people's opinions/thoughts/information they can offer to help me out. Someone shaking their head, waving their arms & stamping their feet does not come under the category of useful information to me - unfortunately.  ;)

In the end - you are in fact right. It's my call - I may trade, I may not. Most likely? I will probably hold fire & see what happens the next 2 weeks. But there is no harm in getting a few people's thoughts on players... Just like there is no point posting non-constructive, overly emotive posts that add very little to the discussion. The other posts have swayed me in a conservative direction, but by using calm, considered, logical arguments - and, as such, I listened to them. Just like in real life, the people you are most likely to listen to are the ones making the rational, intelligent arguments/statments. That's all!


Quote from: Talisman on March 29, 2011, 10:21:45 PM
Logic being that Harry Taylor is a younger player, with greater upside, has a beautiful kick on him, spoils, takes contested & uncontested marks - usually from opposition kicks, racks up the touches, has a high efficiency rating, etc.

so all this logic has nothing to do with the fact that Harry Taylor scored 142 (the second highest in his career) this week?? I understand what you're saying mate but if you're going to pull the trigger mate, at least get a premium....or next week you will be complaining about poor baby Enright taking all of Harry's marks and kicks etc.


Quote from: LiveTheDream on March 30, 2011, 12:12:13 AM
Quote from: Talisman on March 29, 2011, 10:21:45 PM
Logic being that Harry Taylor is a younger player, with greater upside, has a beautiful kick on him, spoils, takes contested & uncontested marks - usually from opposition kicks, racks up the touches, has a high efficiency rating, etc.

so all this logic has nothing to do with the fact that Harry Taylor scored 142 (the second highest in his career) this week?? I understand what you're saying mate but if you're going to pull the trigger mate, at least get a premium....or next week you will be complaining about poor baby Enright taking all of Harry's marks and kicks etc.

Yeah, I'll cop that - fair call. But in my defense, I would a few of things:
1. I was seriously looking at Harry Taylor pre-Rd.1 lockout when I was umm-ing & ahh-ing about S.Fisher (I'm a Cats fan & have a bit of faith in big Harry).
2. Taylor will def. have his ups & downs & I have no doubt Enright will take points off him - the difference between Enright/Taylor & Gilbert/Fisher? Enright's getting older & his scores aren't likely to increase - if anything, they'll go down, Taylor's the young bloke with upside. With the Saints, Fisher's on the way down/getting older & Gilbert's the young buck on the rise.
3. (least importantly) The "poor baby Gilbert" remark has nothing to do with SuperCoach - what kind of a player doesn't do what his coach/coaches are telling/asking him to do?? He has a whinge so he can keep playing his cushy role running off the HB-line that he's comfortable, when he's clearly needed in the front half - something the coach has been telling everyone!!!

I was astounded to read Jon Ralph's article in the Herald Sun the other day, in which he wrote (& later quoted Ross Lyon himself): Lyon yesterday revealed Sam Gilbert, slated as a permanent forward this year, had requested a move back to defence in recent weeks.

WTF?!?!?! Sam Gilbert is telling Ross Lyon where he wants to play? Is this shower serious? Is this the AFL or under-9's?

I think that was the softest thing I heard/read all weekend - sad to hear after such a tough, hard-fought match. I've said it now a few times: Gilbert needs to do what the coach tells him to do.