Who will score more pts

Started by korza, March 29, 2011, 05:24:28 PM

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Who will score more points this week rd2 D/T

Harris    Heppell     Laidley


Hm, toughie.

....Harris then really line ball. Perhaps Heppell. Although I think his score last week was his cap for the year.....


LaidleR playing against the suns?

but i think harris

Russ dogga

Harris, Heppell, Laidler in that order. very tough to say tho. could be in any order really


Blues play loose, so think Harriss will do ok.
against Swans, I think Heppell will find a very different game than last week
Laidler could also blitz against toy team//

so - I think Harrris, Laidler then Heppell - but not sure if there is going to be an awful lot of difference.....