Trade temptations

Started by dcmagadia21, March 29, 2011, 01:08:10 AM

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I dunno with foley being crap, he got nearly 20 in the first quarter even though he had gastro :P


Quote from: dcmagadia21 on March 29, 2011, 01:13:24 AM
After which round do the prices change anyway?
think it's a 3 game rolling average so prices will change after a player's 3rd game - eg if you're thinking on jumping on Curnow, you can wait and see what he does this rd against GC and if looking good and then named to play Rd3 you get him before Rd3 lock-out to hopefully benefit from a price increase after his 3rd game????

i think this is right??   ???


i say trade trade trade.i know someone who has already traded and they ran out of trades last year.obviously didn`t learn.traded in rookies they should have already had lol
all the better for the rest of us.
the only people trading should be anyone who picked up jb and lecras as they are lti`s.and they should be waiting until the teams come out.


j959 - yeh - prices won't change untill players have played 3 games - so you wait until pre lock out rd 3 or even pre lock out rd 4 for anyone in teams who has a bye in weeks 1,2 or 3..

yep - lecras and JB the only necessary trades - but even so, wait another week if you can to see who stands up.....


No one ever mentions masten! All 4 of you who have him, trade him out!!!


Starting with LeCras or Mastern is a mistake!
My young cousin had LeCras n told me last night that he traded him for Dawes.
All I could do was say I was disappointed  :-\
Don't be idiots guys, don't fall into the trap of some young kid scoring big in a couple of rounds (erm Gizzberts/JKT anyone)
In saying that I'm a little annoyed that I didnt have Tapscott in DT (only in SC) n that Yarran scored so low but have faith