How should I play my GC squad this week??

Started by PizzleDizzle, March 28, 2011, 01:16:07 PM

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Should I throw them all in and hope for the best?? Or bench majority of them and see how they go?? I have def. Coad, mid. Swallow, Harris, ruc. Smith, fwd. Prestia! Smith stays benched as I have cox and sandilands.


id only play harris after the way most the rookies played this week


It really depends on the rest of  your team. For instance, if you have Lower in your back you wouldn't bring Coad on. If you have space for two rookies in your midfield will they do better than your current rookies? I had Libba in so I might hang onto him and see how Harris and Swallow go in their first game before committing to them.
And of course you will need to see named teams before committing to anything. I don't hold out high hopes for Prestia.


Had Lower on the bench, and plan was to keep Coad out, needed an opinion on Prestia and mids mainly!! With Adelaide (otten and dangerfield) having the bye I used mpp status to move a couple of mids fwd to accommodate Harris and Swallow and kept prestia on the pine! Would like to know Anyones opinion on conca's first showing as I didn't get to see the game!! Was he tagging?


It's an interesting point, I don't think Swallow will push out Liber at the moment and many of us have Petrie coming back into the forward line who would have to be ahead of Matera and Prestia.

Toy is perhaps my only GC consideration ahead of Stanley and Simon Buckley.


 McKenna rated Hunt his third-best defender behind former Hawthorn premiership player Campbell Brown and Adelaide recruit Nathan Bock.  looks like i will keep stanely on the bench


Maybe he is just saying it for publicity? Stanley looked more impressive in the preseason.

meow meow

Stanley is only a defender in SC. I doubt McKenna bases his squad on where they are picked in SC.

Prestia won't play so that should take care of that dilemma.


'i'm not convinced! No doubt about his strength and defending abilities and tackling etc. But is his Aussie rules brain where it needs to be?? Seems like more publicity than anything to justify how much money they spent on him when so many seasoned juniors could fill the positions!! Needless to say, I disagree with NRL players coming straight into AFL ranks for publicity!! If he proves me wrong then good luck to him!! We'll see this weekend I suppose!!!