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Started by Prospector_1, May 17, 2009, 01:28:07 AM

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Means that everybody is treading very carefully now hey BradStar?



The Skirts been lifted and the Fat's been allowed back in. YIPEEEEEE!!!! :D

The Fat would like to express his deepest apology to "SIR MONTY"
There was a very silly post about a fellow FF lover/user that the fat was showing concern for. This will not occur again as the fat did not realse that the Fat Man's words would be taken so seriously,
was the great Monty just showing the great powers that only him himself could possess,
was it a simple case that there was a certain amount of carry-over points that had remained on the record? (Unknown to the Fat man's knowledge)

From now on (unless this post gets him banned again) it will be promised that the footy facts will be at the fore front of all thoughts. In the normal deeeeeelicious manner that we all as speeeecccccial FF lovers have become accustomed too.

The Dog has been let of the leash, Mrs Fat's in the Kitchen (with no shoes on - She'd better not be prego again, That'll be No.9) cooking up a storm & the Fat's feeling the excitement building.

Please Mr. Monty Sir, accept the Apology that has been issued here and let us show the love that has flooded the FF in the past. (My emotions have been on a rollercoaster of recent and THE POOR OLD TICKER IS A GREAT CONCERN ATM.  :'(

                                                                           Yours sincerely
                                                                             The Fat Man


hey you need a hanky as you lips are a bit dirty at the moment


Hey fatman, I felt sorry for the young feller too. Copped a bit of ban time as well for my polite suggestions to Sir m0nt. I guess his follies were more than we knew about.

Welcome back, lets share the love. Best wishes to Mrs fat and the 8 wee fats.


Carefull there naste the emotions are a bit raw at the moment.  :-[  :'(

We must all show that love is in the air.  :-*
Feast on each others bossoms. (without suffocating each other)  :P

Thanks Prospector_1 we can now go forth and show the world.
The Fat family are in full harmony with each other, thanks for the kind words.


The Fat's cumming again upon a new milestone.
This is the Fat Raising up for his 400th post.
Only 100 to go.
There will be excitement and celebrations, maybe even a double Feast. I'll visit Junkfood Cnr. There will be plenty to choose from there. All will be consumed by the whole Fat Family & Friends.
Oh, What Joy will be upon us.


I'll be there if you shout & pay. Have to fly in & do my tax, free food from the Fat sounds good to me. Bit of lunch, tax, afternoon tea & vroom fly out



Ahh 6/8 free food at a health shop then cruise down the Torrens on Popeye LMAO


Quote from: naste on July 21, 2009, 12:48:52 PM
Ahh 6/8 free food at a health shop then cruise down the Torrens on Popeye LMAO

Only if the Blue-green Algae is not there.  :D


People have been known to fall in / helped in that river


Nah, that was in the 70's. Back when you were allowed to say "p$#fter".

It's been cleaned recently too, when the boom gate opened accidentaly in the middle of the night. They spent 2 weeks pulling out cars, shopping trolleys, probably a body or two etc.
Funny too because in the middle of summer, water restrictions and a lot of squabling amongst over paid, under worked hierachy.
Then when it was filled up, Yep theres blue-green algae again.
No popeye, no rowing (many of rowing clubs up and down it).
More squabling.  ;D


Could see you Fats trundling down the banks of the Torrens, in your shorts(pink) munching on a Chiko Roll, clipboard in hand pondering your next trade, pen behind the ear. Mind boogles with the thougt. LOL

Mmm Cornes in & some Crow out.

People all around you:- Yoo hoo Fats what about this trade?