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Started by Prospector_1, May 17, 2009, 01:28:07 AM

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roo boys!


Oh i thought you meant the song haha.

OK now I get what you were saying ;)

roo boys!

Justin Bieber

Congratz RB :D.

I would of put another line I used for you and chrisuzz when you guys made coach ;).

roo boys!

Haha yeah, i was almost expecting that one  ;D


Belated thanks for your congrats HP.

I won't mention Friday night, that would just be inappropriate here.


Cheers for being nice about it Cruise.

A breath of fresh air!

Justin Bieber

It will be inappropriate until we beat you next year :P.

roo boys!

Yes 'cos that is very likely  :-\


If Knights gets sacked ::)

But yeah, no, we probably won't.

Justin Bieber


You're right, you have shown me the light! HPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!


HP - I was trying to be nice but you've forced my hand.

Beat us next year??????  C'mon now, which Inception dream level are you in?

Justin Bieber

I was joking Cruis ;D. See the :P at the end ;).

There is always a chance :-X. Doubt it but we can hope :D.

roo boys!

Nah I don't think there really is a chance, where there is life there is hope, but unfortunately I don't think you have much life  :P

Apart from Round 17  :-X :'( :-X