Trades after thursdays game!!!

Started by Mahogany, March 22, 2011, 11:03:52 PM

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I know you can change your captain after the blues/tigers game on thursday night, but can you still make unlimited trades on friday too or is your team finalised after the start of thursday nights game??

CFC 1979

fairly simple;

Any carlton or richmond guys you have in the team lock into the team in those positions.
If you make a carlton / richmond player V/C, CAPT or emergency they remain locked

All other players can be moved / traded until lock-out thursday night ( this includes emerg, capt , vc selections that are not locked onto carlton / richmond players )

Then the real fun begins ;D

rookies not selected, rookies selected in extended benches for sundays games and the dreaded substitute



Thanks CFC!!

Was hoping you might get until fridays nights game to keep making trades to avoid the dreaded "emergency" and "sub" situation for sat/sun games  :(


CFC 1979

Don't stress mahog - there are a lot of people in that situation.

do a little more research to-night and maybe tweek your team.

lock thursdays game in and have faith in your team. do a little more friday

believe me there are going to be a lot of f@*ked up teams come round two with all the variables thrown at us this year.

but then again there is rounds 2,3,4,5...............................


Ill be making changes up untilthe first bloody bounce i recon!!! lol!!

What can i do on friday apart from the old split round captain trick.......just change emergencys???


Quote from: CFC 1979 on March 22, 2011, 11:10:24 PM
All other players can be moved / traded until lock-out thursday night ( this includes emerg, capt , vc selections that are not locked onto carlton / richmond players )

You mean Friday night yeah?
