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NBA All Time Draft Voting

Started by Maca24, March 18, 2011, 03:02:45 PM

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Quote from: Andrew3737 on March 19, 2011, 09:24:42 PM
Stats rnt everything and its my opinion
you mustve misread what i asked.\
I said tell me why without using stats.




lakers own all.
Heat are overrated.


8-6 Suited

In typical Andrew fashion, he is losing thus cracks the showers.

I can tell you now, I'd take Team 5's starting 5 over any combination of your whole team any day of the week.

End of the day though, Team 6 wins this voting procedure I believe. :>


yeah looks that way... well done Shaggy ;)


And in typical fashion, you guys ignore everything that points in the other direction of whatever you are saying.

But as usual, I can show you why you're wrong and I'll get called an idiot. You guys are just arrogant and it really is quiet funny that you ignore all stats, everything that is against what you are saying, but still believe in what your "opinion" or whatever you want to call it, is.

but whatever.


i didnt even try and create the best team i deliberately created the most popular team i could...

8-6 Suited

Definitions of Opinion on the Web:

- A personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your persuasion"



Exactly, so when you have an "opinion" in basketball its bullshower because Basketball is a game of stats and facts. You can't go out and say Durant is better then LeBron or Cleveland is better then Boston or any other ridiculous claim. Everything in basketball is backed up by stats and facts so there is no differential of throughout

This is exactly what you guys do not get which is what I've been explaining to you, but constantly ignore. You can't say player X is better then player Y when everything says Y is better then X.

8-6 Suited

Quote from: 8-6 Suited on March 21, 2011, 12:04:41 AM
Definitions of Opinion on the Web:

- A personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your persuasion"


There, I bolded the only part from that which matters. In case you are slow, I will explain it to you.

It means that it is their belief or judgment, their opinion, which isn't based on proof or certainty. They may be wrong but it's not the point. It's their prerogative to belief whatever they want and its not anyones place to force them to change it. Which you regularly try to do.

So how about you accept the fact you drafted based solely on facts that compare to modern time players which player a totally different style of game to what it was and lost.


8-6 Suited

Since you like stats...

Team 3    0 (0%)

Great team mate... Great team.



I mean, I can obviously show you why my team is 10x better then yours, but I why would I do that, for it just to be dismissed as nothing?