NBA draft of current players

Started by Hulmie, March 13, 2011, 01:13:27 AM

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Justin Bieber

Don't think we ever get many votes on here especially for NBA to make it really worth the winner it deserves.


Quote from: Andrew3737 on April 26, 2011, 01:31:40 AM
If you want me too.
Thatd be kool. although haters will hate on my team  :P


C. A.Stoudemire
PF. T.Duncan
SF. J.Smith
SG. R.Allen
PG. D.Williams
Int. A.Bynum
Int. C.Boozer
Int. L.Deng
Int. O.J.Mayo
Int. J.Holiday
Int. C.Billups
Int. T.Chandler

Basically this team can match up against any game style. Through this team i can play high tempo a Half court tempo or just a simple pick and role offence. I believe this team can win championships for the simple fact that we can play any game style. The pick and role offence between D-Will  and Stat will be my basic play but the simple fact is this team can play any offence that is needed against an opposition team. We will find the weakness and play the team that is suited.


Quote from: Andrew3737 on April 25, 2011, 08:15:22 PM
PG - Chris Paul
SG - Andre Igudola
SF - Gerald Wallace
PF - Dirk Nowitzki
C - Pau Gasol

6 - Kevin Garnett
7 - Steve Nash
8 - DeMarcus Cousins
9 - Kevin Martin
10 - Hedo Turkuglu
11 - Darko Millicic
12 - George Hill

Alrighty. With the best Point Guard in the league leading this team to glory, and with Gasol/Nowitzki at the high and low posts, it's going to be pretty hard to stop this team from winning a ring in the first year. Iggy can get to the basket @ will and is easily one of the best defending shooting guards in the league. G-Force also one of the best wing defenders in the league, can smash the boards and shut down almost any player. Honestly don't see how any team can match up on Gasol/Dirk combo. Gasol is borderline great defender and a elite offensive bigman, while Dirk is the best high post player, maybe ever. I know for sure he is the best shooting big man of all time. You can't stop Dirk's shot.

Garnett and Nash, two hall of famers off the bench solidifies my position as the best team in year 1. Garnett with the GOAT defence and Nash with the GOAT offense. Kevin Martin this season has been outstanding in a bubble team. Being a franchise player for a team that is rebuilding is always going to be tough, but he still shoots well and was in the top 10 for ppg and o/ws.

That's about it.

Neither of your big men ever defend the best Offensive big man on the opposition team so it would be interesting to see how they go. Gasol always had troubles at Memphis when he had to play against the best offensive big man. Plus you have minimul 3 point threat in your team.


I agree with the big man thing, but reckon Paul is an ok 3pt shot. So is GForce. and not to mention DIRK :)


Martin, Nash, CP3, Wallace and Dirk.

With the big man thing, yes he isn;t the best defender, but he isn't bad either.

He is 3rd on the list of big men sorted by D/WS. He isn't completely useless on defence like Al or Amare. However he isn't Dwight. I still think he is a competent enough defender to put enough stops in so our offence can take over.

8-6 Suited

So how many picks do I need to make?


Andrews team is ridunkulous name wise...



Team "Balance"
(with a slight lean towards defence)

Starting five

SF:    Carmelo Anthony (26yrs)
PF:    Paul Millsap (26yrs)
C:      Joakim Noah (26yrs)
SG:    Kobe Bryant (32yrs)
PG:    Rajon Rondo (25yrs)

Second unit

SF:    Trevor Ariza (25yrs)
PF:    David Lee (27yrs)
C:     JaVale McGee (23yrs)
SG:    James Harden (21yrs)
PG:    Brandon Jennings (21yrs)

Utility (F/C): Andray Blatche (24yrs)
Utility (PG/combo guard): Raymond Felton (26yrs)


Balance with slight defensive lean
As team name suggests, I've gone for the best all-round team I could, balancing offence with a slight bias towards defence.
I've gone for the best available 'young' players with my picks, apart from Kobe that I felt I had to take with my first pick at #6 (3rd last in the draft).

Starting 5 strategy
I like the balance with my starting five, with offence coming from a 1-2 punch of Kobe/Melo with Rondo as my x-factor both defensively and offensively, if Kobe or Melo are having an off night. Noah and Millsap are the big men defensive workhorses and again if offense is struggling and Millsap not delivering any, I would sub him off for David Lee.

Dynasty strategy
I reckon I've gone for youth without having 'babes in the woods', so I think most of my picks have proven form. The team will challenge first season though may come up a bit short finals time. However, I see the prime contender years being in the 3rd season and beyond when most of the team will be in that prime 28-30yr age bracket to keep challenging every year until age catches up with them.

Enjoyed watching everyone's picks, all solid teams from what I can see.
Hopefully do better than 'no votes' from the FF community for my all-time NBA draft team and 1 vote from Andrew's basketball forum site ...   ;)

cheers fellas,


nice write up J team looks good ;)


Quote from: Marcz on April 27, 2011, 08:56:09 PM
nice write up J team looks good ;)
cheers Marcz, your triangle offense team is solid too - once you have Dwight, everything else just falls into place!   ;)

Justin Bieber

Nice backups in the guards J :-X. Nice write up as well.


everyone re post just ur teams for copy and paste, lets finish this off...

no sense watching 95% of a movie to never know the end

Triangle Offense...

Starting 5
C Dwight Howard
PF Kevin Love
SF Rudy Gay
SG Eric Gordon
PG Stephen Curry

Second 5
C Marc Gasol
PF Andrea Bargnani
SF Jeff Green
SG Ty Lawson
PG Mike Conley

SG/SF Wilson Chandler
PF/C Greg Monroe


Team "Balance"

Starting five
SF:     Carmelo Anthony
PF:     Paul Millsap
C:      Joakim Noah
SG:    Kobe Bryant
PG:    Rajon Rondo

Second unit
SF:     Trevor Ariza
PF:     David Lee
C:      JaVale McGee
SG:    James Harden
PG:    Brandon Jennings

Utility (F/C): Andray Blatche
Utility (PG/combo guard): Raymond Felton