Rate My Team Please!

Started by lenny99, February 23, 2011, 09:23:11 PM

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DEF: B Goddard, B Gibbs, D Connors, J Grimes, J Adcock, A Otten, D Heppell (D Stanley, J Toy, P Puopolo)

MID: D Swan (c), M Boyd (vc), L Hayes, J Bartel, D Swallow, D Harris (T Mzungu, M Hibberd, J Simpkin)

RUC: A Sandilands, D Cox (Z Smith, M Bailey)

FWD: P Chapman, C Sylvia, N Riewoldt, S Higgins, D Zaharakis, A Krakouer, C Richardson (B Matera, J Darling, I Callinan)

$4,900 in the bank. Ratings and Suggestions are welcome



watch rnd 4 bye teams

maybe u could try hayes - murphy as 1 suggestion

other than that nice team, good mix of rooks/mids/rookies i think. team has a lot of players who feature in most teams, which can be safe but dont get sucked in reading too much on fan footy. pick some uniques and go with your OWN gut feel :)