cant decide !!

Started by magpies11, February 20, 2011, 11:29:29 PM

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bartel as 4th mid with dangerfield up fwd or anthony as 4th with green up fwd?

Bartel and dangerfield.
3 (50%)
anthony and green.
3 (50%)

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bartel as 4th mid with dangerfield up fwd or anthony as 4th with green up fwd? cant decide !!


If you pu it like that i can't decide either but i would say liam anthony 4th mid and you can put dangerfield up forward. and with that extra money you can upgrade a mid priced  player to a premium


thing is i couldnt be happier with the rest of my team other than those 2 positions. if jimmy keeps that up for the rest of the nab and green doesnt perform ill go with him and vice versa.