Is SC better than DT

Started by PiesSuck, February 17, 2011, 06:59:46 PM

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Is Supercoach better than Dream Team



Is SC better than DT i think it is


Absoultely no doubt. More sophisticated, more rewarding for good players and generally just the next level up from DT.

The only downside is the lack of live scoring but that is becaise of the additional sophistication.


I couldn't of said it better myself Cruiseon.


Yea SuperCoach owns DT in all possible ways, almost.
It's just that DT get to do some things, like live scoring and pre-season scoring (i think?), that SC can't just because SC isnt the official one; thats all.


If you're asking this on the SC board, expect to get SC is better as an answer lol


That old chestnut again ... here we go ...


Super coach rules. Yes Super coach is only a game. But I like to follow my players on the real game day. As SC rewards good use of the ball , it pays to have players who dont just run around getting stats and coughing up the ball. Its based on Champion Data. I have no doubt that if SC had been released before DT then DT would have long folded by now.


I love both, and don't know what I'd do if there was only one of them!


I was all about DT but after my first year of SC I bailed on DT and never looked back.


Post in DT board for an exact opposite reaction from members. 


SC have pre-season scores also!

SC scores better reflect actual skill. Given the only thing different is the scoring system, I go with the more accurate one.


Yep, SC rewards good players who play well and influence games. When a player has a shi*t of a game, they score terribly - which is the way it should be.

DT rewards posession whores. When a player has a sh*t of a game but gets the ball a bit, he can still get a decent score - abismal.


I say the game itself is better but lucky for us they are different enough so we are interested to play both.
The one thing DT has on SC is as someone saud already is the Live scoring but i im happy with qtr by qtr.
Its also pretty awesome that with SC you really have no idea til the end just like a real game of footy, someone could be having a stinker then do 2 or 3 things which win the game and SC rewards that. Much better in my opinion, all the people who say DT is better are just holding on coz' DT was the first around.
If it wasnt for DT SC wouldnt exist so i have respect ;)
but SC....Wayyyyy better  ;D


I love it when you see some player in DT score 100+ and in SC like 20 - It gets the forum going mad!  ;D

I play both SC & DT and fine SC way better but the live score is the only downfall  ::)


SC is the best scoring system bar none, I don't even play DT anymore.