Is SC better than DT

Started by PiesSuck, February 17, 2011, 06:59:46 PM

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Is Supercoach better than Dream Team




more precise and more analysing


Ive played SC for 4 seasons....never even made a team in DT...I read the HUN and thats how I started.


DT requires more skill. In Dt you know what gets good scores so you actually have to pick which players will rack up the possesions, get the cheap marks or be tackle happy. In SC people dont really know what happens, so its more about luck. SC is probably a beter reflection of how good the player played but instances where players have played really well and get 2-3 clangers dont do well even if they have had a good impact on the game. I have seen games where players have racked up big Dt scores, proably been the best on the field and got a lwo Sc score because of a few errors.

I spend heaps of time researching my DT pick the excat same squad bar a handfull of players and i always do well in SC, but my Dt is up and down.


Disagree Holzman. When it's all said and done, the prices of players in both DT and SC represent an indication of their scoring ability, given its simply average times a constant number.

So, the individual stats - whether they are tackle happy, kick a lot, efficient, etc - are basically irrelevant. The aggregated stats is what counts. And of course change in team tactics and form slumps/increases that impact both DT and SC.

So, you have to look at influence. Since SC is scaled, and only 3300 points are available in a given match, you have to work out which players are going to have a greater influence on a game. Again, the price gives a certain indication, but I think is the key difference between the two.

I.e. Brent Stanton racks up the possesions, but given he has been in a struggling team of late, has rarely had the necessary influence to be a SC player.

Similar now with Gary Ablett. He has been a terrific scorer in both SC and DT, and even if he averages similar stats, the question on his influence on a game will now be in question not that he is on a team that isn't likely to win as often.

So I agree that DT may require a better counting skills, but for better football knowledge, SC all the way


In all honestly in both games being succesful is 25% skill and 75% luck. I persoanlly find Dt better for the reason that i know exactly what i need to do to get good scores and i persoanlly dont like the 3300 rule. If two top teams are battling it out and alot of people play good than players will get a lower supercoach score than in a battle of 15 and 16 and 1 or 2 players play a decent game but outscore someone who played beter in a beter match.

Both are good games, it all comes down to personal preference.


Far better in every categorie!


SC, by far. Rewards good players and it makes you think a lot harder about who is going to be playing well when the game is in the balance.

Nice to have both though, I enjoy experimenting with strategies in DT, as sort of a test for the next season in SC.


u guys r right it is more sophisticated and rewards players for using the ball properly rather than just getting 50 touches but they are all ineffetive


Has there been a poll on this site for this?
Supercoach vs Dream Team?
I would be interested in the scores.

supercoach addict

I play DT just for fun, when I've already done all my SC for the week. I have alot of mates who refuse to play DT though, out of loyalty for sc


thankx 4 the idea pkbaldly ill open a poll for it


This is the poll for is SC better than DT discussion


It's going based on what section u post it in though...


To be honest i luv both comps, i think both have their +'s and -'s.   D.T comes out in front for me  as you score what the player does plain and simple. With S.C a player can kick a match winning goal and recieve up tp an 80 point bonus that ive seen for one kick. S.C also awards extra points for an effective kick, who decides whats an effective kick, should a kick go into open space for your team mate to run onto be deemed as missing its target( unaffective) when anyone with a brain knows it was a perfect pass you miss out. In saying that, in D.T you can get 3 points for kicking it out on the full and i dont agree with that either. I prefer a system where what you do is what you get and when someone perfects the 2 into 1 they will lead the rest in Fan Footy Leagues in my opinion.



bloody oath it is
i stil play both though