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FF Champs League

Started by Mish, February 16, 2011, 10:59:17 AM

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Quote from: Chopps on August 28, 2011, 06:03:43 PM
yea next year will be interesting, same stratergy i think with GWS rookies as i did with GC, not to many of them

That's where I went wrong, got too many of them! Won't do it again next year though.

Butcher looks very good, in a few years time, he'll be the new Cloke with better kicking haha

At least I am in some sort of final next week, even if it is a minor one :P


Ziebell priced at 80 was a lock till he got reported if he gets 2 weeks I will still pick and he will be super unique. Would love to get beams in the forward line


i am not gonna worry about making an actual team till DT opens, i will list players on a short list but i set up teams last year based on FF pricing if one player is out by 100 grand you have to shuffle everything


I think it's about time we decide on what we will do for in terms another Champs League next year.

This was my favorite league because of how competitive it was and I'd love to be part of it next year. But what I'd like is a few more coaches to commit to actually post here.

So what will we do? Will we just pick coaches based on a ranking? Or the same people as this year? Some coaches in the league haven't been on for months now. Or do we pick people that contribute to the FF community on a reasonable basis throughout this year. Hm.


I think we should pick coaches who talk often on the forum and have the best ranking out of people who post often... not sure if that made sense haha

PS CONGRATS GUYS ON BEING THE 33rd BEST LEAGUE. We have increased spots the last couple of weeks :)

Let's get one more place next week boys! :)


833 ohhh yea,

on topic though :D i reckon constant contribution on FF and ranking, what i liked most about this league was the competitiveness, being worries when your in the top 8 that a bottom 8 could easily beat you on any given week was a good challenge.


I agree ranking and constant contributers.


Mish: Last Active ~ June 11

Dread_Lord09: Last Active ~ March 23

Maanco: Last Active ~ August 9

Just a few that I rarely see. The others are regulars, it's just they don't post here unfortunately.  :P


I think we should keep the bulk of the league the same maybe make a few changes.



Quote from: Fenno on August 29, 2011, 11:13:09 PM
I think we should keep the bulk of the league the same maybe make a few changes.
Agree with fenno..been a great league. You can't penalize people for not posting here. As long as they keep up with their team and rank well! The posting does add to the fun though!


For sure. But it adds 'depth' so to speak when we have constant posting here. Feels like a real community like league.  :)


Quote from: Fenno on August 29, 2011, 11:13:09 PM
I think we should keep the bulk of the league the same maybe make a few changes.

I think we have to be careful when making changes. What usually happens is we mainly choose these new team's based on rank. Team's come out saying how they were ranked in the top 100 and what not. If you look at our league currently only two team's are ranked in the top 1000. All those guys who were claiming that they did really well last year are most likely not at the top end of the total points ranked overall or contributing to FF.

DT is a game where your ranking change a lot between one year and the next. Last year I think I was ranked 8,000 overall, this year I'm 414th at the moment. I firmly believe that the changes that we make should be aimed at making this a more interactive league of people who we know can put together a competitive and thoughtout league. The way in which you know that people can do this is by their continual opinions and feedback on FF.

I personally think that we avoide people who finish 10th this year but have only one post on FF to flaunt this. Chances are you won't get much involvement from them the following season because they havent been a frequent FF contributor. It will be made even worse if his ranking slides out to 5,000th the next season, then you really haven't gotten much from him.

My suggestion
We need teams that we feel will rank well, but want people who have given some time to supply feedback and knowledge to FF over a period of time. Maybe choose teams with the best rankings where the coach has more than say 200 post's on FF. This way it cuts out people just making bogus post's to get to the number because it's too may to do that and it show's that they have been on FF for a little while to get to that number.

It's just a thought. I have been in this league for a couple of year's and would love to see it permanently in the top 20 leagues, but also have the continual involvement of it's coaches. It's a fine balance, but there's enough people of FF with great knowledge of DT and who post quite often.


Firstly thanks for letting me join the league this year lads so far i don't think i have disappointed with my ranking now to back it up next year.

i dont think big changes are needed, i think we need to confirm firstly who will be in this league again next year and a good push for 20th or higher as a league would be good.

if there is any spots open then we need to look at who to ask to join, i dont think convincing people will be difficult given the Leagues' ranking


If spots do become available there won't be many. I'm sure no one would really want to leave the league, but I'm sure there's plenty who would like to be involved in it!


I agree chatters DT is heavily involved in luck and even though i was able to finish just outside the top 500 and this year i put in twice the effort i did much worse  this year. I feel anyone who has a team inside the top 10k obviously has worked on their team. If people are just pumping out big scores each week in a league but dont come on FF or post in the coachs box than we might i dont feel they contribute much to the league.