Rate The Scubadiver!

Started by Superman, February 14, 2011, 06:12:06 PM

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Backs: Goddard, Connors, Bruce, Deledio, Broughton, Otten, Toy (Hibberd, Duigan, Puopolo)

Mids: Swan, Boyd, Chapman, Gibbs, Swallow, Heppell (Harris, Atley, Savage)

Rucks: Jolly, Petrie (Smith, McCauley)

Forwards: Franklin, Sylvia, S Johnson, N Riewoldt, Zaharakis, Dangerfield, Mzungu (Richardson, Smith, Callinan)

6K in the bank

Tell me what you think


good team
some nice uniques in johnson and zaharakis
no sandi or cox, interesting
im notsold of bruce, personally, i dont rate him and not sure how well he's gonna do at hawthorn


Cheers for the reply, Bruce can easily be swapped for Grimes which im contemplating to free up some cash. Just holding off for the time being though


So otherwise, a solid team i take it


Interesting that you've chosen not to have Sandi or Cox in your rucks. Some nice unique picks there. Overall a solid side on the park with some good use of MPP in your backs, middies and forwards. 9/10.
