Started by dcmagadia21, February 10, 2011, 08:10:56 PM

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Brendon Goddard, Bryce Gibbs, Brett Deledio, Greg Broughton, Jed Adcock, Andy Otten, Paul Puopolo
Michael Coad, Nicholas Duigan, Michael Hibberd

Dane Swan, Matthew Boyd, Kane Cornes, Nathan Foley, David Swallow, Jared Polec
Dyson Heppell, Daniel Harris, Tendai Mzungu

Aaron Sandilands, Dean Cox
Zac Smith, Joel Tippett

Paul Chapman, Lance Franklin, Brad Green, Nick Riewoldt, Drew Petrie, Andrew Krakouer, Dion Prestia
Cameron Richardson, Isaac Smith, Ian Callinan

Salary cap left: $110,200


solid team, with nothing out of the ordinary.. very tempted by the cox as #2 ruck..is going very well in pre season. just not sure how the new interchange rule will affect rucks


i was choosing between:

coad or toy
broughton or duffield
polec or gaff
adcock or grimes
boyd or montagna
green or sylvia

what do you guys think?

Big Lance

Quote from: dcmagadia21 on February 11, 2011, 01:40:25 AM
i was choosing between:

coad or toy
broughton or duffield
polec or gaff
adcock or grimes
boyd or montagna
green or sylvia

what do you guys think?

I always go youth if its a toss up so Sylvia over Green. Grimes over Adcock obviously. Would go Gaff over Polec i think the heat is gonna be on in Brisbane but watch NAB. Boyd and Tags are both safe bets, personal preference.


updated my team. what do you guys think?

DEF: Goddard, Gibbs, Deledio, Broughton/Duffield/Grimes, Adcock, Otten, Puopolo -- Coad, McKernan/Brodie Smith, Duigan

MID: Swan, Boyd, Cornes, Hannebery, Swallow, Gaff/Polec -- Heppell, Harris, Callinan

RUC: Sandilands, Cox -- Smith, Charman/J. Tippett/Campbell/Cordy/Lycett/Bailey/Redden

FWD: Chapman, Franklin, Green, Riewoldt, Petrie, Krakouer, Prestia -- Richardson, Mzungu, Smith

$29,600 left

guys in bold i'm still not sure of


out of the guys in bold i'd say

broughton, moving into the mids a bit this year and should score well
brodie smith, if i had to choose one of them, but im not sure how much game time he will get
polec, i just like him more than gaff, even though i have both of them
with the rucks, you cant really go wrong with any of them imo

overall i think your team is really solid
not sure about hannebery and if he can become a premium this year though



mate you've gotta get clance pearce hes going to have a outstanding year and shock the dream team world by storm hes a must in your defence!


team's looking pretty solid.
no weaknesses here. 9/10
can you please rate mine?

cheers :)