Dyson Heppell (Rate)

Started by HarleyL, January 28, 2011, 02:01:09 AM

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Dyson Heppell.

Is he good? what kind of role will he have? Is he in the best 22?

please let me know.


so far very good he should be a midfielder this year and so far in best 22

thats IMO so far, just remember to watch pre season



Looking forward to the NAB cup, see guys like him. And look for the next Barlow!!


i think next barlow will be mzungu :)


People are throwing the bArlow tag around far too much for my liking, Barlow was a jet, no one will compare that we know of yet


very true, i dont think he will be the next barlow i think he will be a very good aged mature recuit


i wasn't saying he will be, i was saying looking at all the players on the NAB cup. who is mzungu?? whos he play for?


Yeah sorry Harley if I wasn't clear, I meant in general not you :)


umm ok, lol. Is anyone gonna pick barlow this year? hes a jet!


Way Overpriced. Upgrade target.


not this year after the broken leg! next year maybe



i agree LE, and i also agree with people trying to find a "next barlow", funny thing is who was the first barlow? it was barlow and it was last season. the first best rookie start ever which i have seen DT wise, it will never come so good again.


Quote from: HarleyL on January 28, 2011, 02:45:22 AM
i wasn't saying he will be, i was saying looking at all the players on the NAB cup. who is mzungu?? whos he play for?

Mzungu is a mature age recruit who Fremantle got in the trade period (lovely trade with GC who pre-listed him)


Quote from: dylsta05 on January 28, 2011, 02:09:10 AM
i think next barlow will be mzungu :)
As do i, i ran a story on him before GC pre listed him on another website