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India's Giants Cup - FTP Competition

Started by 8-6 Suited, January 24, 2011, 05:19:34 AM

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8-6 Suited

87 - Chennai Super kings     Ashykicker
146 - unsuspect               unsuspectable (c)
272 - kickash                 kickash
287 - Rick's Worriors!        mainak
356 - Eastsyde                conquistador
518 - Gooster Markers         Jithesh
629 - Cricket Players         ashyyyyyyy
782 - Ticle My Timber         86suited
980 - Sleepingcow             sleepingcow
1130 - AchmidsSouls            AchmidG87
1168 - Fletch's No Balls       Fletch74
1272 - Golden C                Barlow21

Not the best team rank wise. Some good players, plus I have both Fletch and Barlow. :D


Fletch has really jumped in his ratings too & Barlow probably still has a ton of cash lol

Getting excited for this even though it doesn't start for another 2 weeks or something right? :(


btw this might sound dumb but what the hell do they mean when the post reserved? O.O


Quote from: 8-6 Suited on January 29, 2011, 04:14:03 AM
How did Hilly get bid on and CF, ML or BP didn't? o.O! No offence meant at all Hilly but you were like dead last on the list. o.O!
none taken, i have no clue how i was a first preference.

i wasn't expected to be bidded on anyway.



Quote from: HillHero13 on January 29, 2011, 07:41:52 AM
Daz, i'm with you :)
nice hilly ;) our team doesn't look too bad

so if we have a bid next to our name does that mean we were bid on and those in allocations were bid on or?

just wondering if i got a bid is all

Edit: our captain dbest is the UAE under 19 assistant i see him on the offsite a fair bit....good bloke :)


I'm happy with 35k and at least a preference :)

So when does the next step start, like when do we post out matches?


actually yeah just noticed i was bid on i was in the 1st preference part

Edit: Walker texas ranger in hilly and my side
wasn't he some of you guys mentor for a while?


he was mine and alexs.
I was a first preference and with hp and gs :D

Barlow 21


Hmmm I'm an island onto myself. Although the guy I bought Roberts from is in my squad


I didn't get a bid, cos I was in Group 2 and was ranked 2nd last there.

Me and RB in our team from FF.

He was my mentor for a week as well. :P

Justin Bieber

Kings XI Punjab                 Deol
All Stars Magic                 verda32
Sundae                          ozsunny2
11stars                         drsaptarshi
Dhaka Mental hospital           Bujheekom
Slippery Salamanders            Dravy
Steamrollers                    Steamroller (c)
Fairfield-Liverpool Lions       kaZzaa
Hello                           Hellopplz
Front Foot Fury                 Drodgey
Frankston XI                    GoSaints
bombersXI                       bomberboy0618

With BB and GS at least :). Might check out the other teams later.

Haha Shaggy. Had a nice rant going on their thread :P.


Delhi DareWhackers              MOD-vaibhav
Hodge's Hawks                   Jamillar
Ranti Rocks!                    ranti (c)
psychodelic_squad               ismaelibrhm
Black Diamond                   blackmoon
surgeon XI                      surgeon
Roo Boys!                       rooboys
UDAAN                           rahul
super tigers 11                 deepaksinghrajput
John Howard's Coathangers       MajorLazer
PATEL ROCKSTARS 11              priyankpatel
Pompei Cricket club             Babba1983

Here's RB and my team.

8-6 Suited

My god I was so annoyed. And tired. Then he goes and forgets putting me on the fkn list. I saw sheep. Red sheep... Jumping fences to steal boats to sail to India illegally and stab alarikin.