Skipworth out, rookie in?

Started by dread_lord09, April 24, 2009, 09:24:37 AM

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im thinking of swapping skipworth for Nahas from the tigers before he goes up and free the cash, what do u guys think? green light? or is there a better alternative? i alrdy have krekoeur, walker and brown (WCE), other guy I was considering was Ben Warren, see how he goes this week. leave a thought of what u think


Mate, if you are covered on the bench then sweat it out.


Time to bite the bullet!  :P

Robinson out for A. Collins (Rich)

Skippy for Giansiracusa.

It's a pain to use 2 trades but no donuts in my team this week. lol



Sounds bad. I am waiting another week to decide what to do about skippy. I'm thinking of a nice buddy to show off my adidak runners to while we both eat volt pies.