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International Cricket 2010

Started by Maca24, January 16, 2011, 05:02:49 PM

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8-6 Suited

English willow for sure. Takes a while to knock them in, took me nearly the entire footy season a couple years back lol


Ah OK, well it has to be decent then ::)

Might have to take a look at one in a couple of seasons when I get a new bat :)
Although I'll probably end up using a Puma or Newbery...Was considering getting a Scultura but ended up deciding against it.

8-6 Suited

Puma is shower. Newbery aren't that bad, used one a few times. No idea what i was but a team mate has one. Not that bad. I've never been a fan of GM's though although they are good bats. Just personal choice really.


I have been told from a few people that Woodworm bats are really good.
Last bat I had though and really loved was the Grey Nicolls Longbow 1000. Was a great bat and I loved it :)


Puma isn't shower ::)
I dunno, not the greatest quality I just like them.


any body used a adidas bat..are they any good ?


I have used one, the Incurza Pro, I thought it was pretty good, although I reckon there are better bats out there.

8-6 Suited

More a youths bat I think, definately not one I'd use in seniors. Same as Gray Nichols and Adidas... And Kookaburra.

roo boys!

Quote from: Alex7089 on January 17, 2011, 10:50:23 PM
Well that is the legendary version of my bat :p
It's decent :p

I had a Kooka when I was younger, then a woodworm and then a Puma for a few seasons. My current GM is clearly the best bat I have had. Puma is OK, but not amazing.


Quote from: 8-6 Suited on January 19, 2011, 05:18:19 PM
More a youths bat I think, definately not one I'd use in seniors. Same as Gray Nichols and Adidas... And Kookaburra.
True, quite misleading with all the 'layers bats' because all the players have their bats custom made.

It works though, I don't know how many more people started buying GM's since Watson started using their stickers, same deal with Kookaburra & Punter.

roo boys!

I bought mine before I knew Watto used it ;)


Not many use Newbery bats :-X

You can't help but notice the increased amount of GM bats though.

roo boys!

Nah they don't. I actually had the choice of a Bradbury or GM, I went the GM. I don't think there were many if any Newbery's in stock..


There is always a Newbery in stock down here :D