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Bargain Ruck 2011

Started by nick1408, January 15, 2011, 05:54:59 PM

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4th Mock Fanplanner squad in the Dream Team competition coached by nick1408. Salary cap left: $6,800.

Brendon Goddard, Bryce Gibbs, Jack Grimes, Brett Deledio, Dyson Heppell, Andy Otten, Michael Coad
Brodie Smith, Michael Hibberd, Paul Puopolo

Dane Swan, Leigh Montagna, Joel Selwood, Andrew Swallow, Shaun Grigg, David Swallow
Nathan Foley, Mitchell Wallis, Tendai Mzungu

Mark Seaby, Drew Petrie
Max Bailey, Zac Smith

Paul Chapman, Lance Franklin, Nick Riewoldt, Mitch Morton, Shaun Higgins, Chris Knights, Isaac Smith
Jack Darling, Andrew Krakouer, Ian Callinan

Above is the current team.  This week's performances will be the final making of my side I feel.

Wes Mantooth

final makings even with a month to go?

who is your midfield back to swap gibbs, god or lids?


None.  I don't buy into needing swap players.  I get who I think is the best available in each position.  With the byes this year there is already one thing that you need to account for.  I think adding in extras will only limit potential


I thought seaby was injured? 


Hmm, may be.  I thought Mumford was the injured swan.

*Edit*  It appears I was correct.

Mumford injured, Seaby good to go.


nick1408, interesting topic. This is the 1st time I have read this theory and I read 09 and 2010's as well. I came 2nd in 09 and I started with Cox and H.Mac. I loaded my back and foward line more than the mid. From memory my midfield was swan ablett gibbs selwood rich and another rookie who I can't remember. That team scored 2090 1st up in round 1, My team averaged 2192 through out the whole year. I find that if you can lock and put away a poistion away before round 1, do so. And to me, that's always the ruck. Lets face it, at the end of the day....u would want the 2 best rucks in the comp.

The money is and has always been in the midfield. Midfield cash cows will rise in value quicker than cheap rucks. Rucks costing $200k averaging say 50 vs rookies averaging 50 as well. The rookies I think will rise in value more quicker than the rucks when they start to rise. I see it in 2 ways:
1. while ur filling ur mid with premos, what if there is a rookie who will average 80 startight up? I bet u there will be one. u have only 3 rookies to others who will have 5, those who have 5 will have a greater chance in finding a gem.
2. and we have seen many years where premium midfielders drop form i.e. ROK last year and Joel corey the year before. I can even throw in sam fisher. I was able to do a side trade from martin to ROK with the differnce in cash being at 30k. ONE TRADE. how many trade will it take to upgrade a bargain ruck to a premium ruck? at least 2 to 3 depending on how they perform.

thats's how i see it. I have given the theory a lot of considertation and was tempted to go with it. But at the end, I'm sticking with Sandi and Cox and hope that the rookies I have selected will un-earth a gun who averages 80 70 to 80 who will sky rocket in value.


Thank you for taking the time to read all three years worth.  I know it is a lot of reading.  I honestly see your point of view, but the lock and forget can really be used for any position.  I lock and forget the six starting midfielders, leaving the three bench mids as cash cows.  While most tend to upgrade their midfield I upgrade the rucks.

I think the same rookie-gun upgrade can be used in any position, so long as the initial setup is correct


you've certainly got me thinking a bit with the strat. I will sleep in it for the next few weeks. I mean with the bargain ruck theory, I can downgrade Sandi to Petrie, use the 200 k elsewhere. Anyways, I remember reading that your not certain on max bailey, nor am I. I'll leave u with this name and hope he will make it on ur bench. Derickx. He did pretty well last week and is a mature age. With Richmond pretty much rebuilding and Angus Graham their #1 ruck, I'm sure this guy will get regular gigs. I will be watching him closely.


I watched Derickx last week in my scope as a fan rather than a DT coach.  My concern with Derickx is that he was drafted as a third ruck rather than a second.  I feel that Graham will have the first spot nailed down, followed by Vickery, Browne then Derickx.

I may be wrong, but it is the way I see it.


I'm losing faith in Petrie Nick...How do you feel about Graham as a second ruck option!!??


I haven't really looked at Graham.  He is a possability as he will lock down a #1 spot but will he rise in value.

Don't lose faith in Petrie yet.  He is going to play every game whether in ruck or up forward.  I think today he played out of his usual position so I am waiting on NAB challenge reports before dropping him


Well I think I have my team about right.  Now just need to wait on the teams to finalise players but besides that I am happy with where I am.  I will post my team after the full lockout.


This is where I am at right now:

4th Mock Fanplanner squad in the Dream Team competition coached by nick1408. Salary cap left: $42,200.

Brendon Goddard, Bryce Gibbs, Brett Deledio, Jack Grimes, Andrejs Everitt, Michael Hibberd, Paul Puopolo
Nicholas Duigan, Nick Lower, Danny Stanley

Dane Swan, Andrew Swallow, Joel Selwood, Scott Pendlebury, Shaun Grigg, Liam Shiels
Daniel Harris, Claye Beams, Rohan Bewick

Drew Petrie, Lachlan Keeffe
Tyrone Vickery, Zac Smith

Paul Chapman, Lance Franklin, Nick Riewoldt, Mitch Morton, Shaun Higgins, Chris Knights, Andrew Krakouer
Brandon Matera, Cameron Richardson, Jack Darling

So I am now tossing up between getting Dyson Heppell or leaving Michael Hibberd in the side and keeping the $42k.  I don't really like money in the bank and would rather have Laidler in the side but I cannot see a viable downgrade either.  I would need another $40k to get Laidler.

I guess this is why we play DT!


4th Mock Fanplanner squad in the Dream Team competition coached by nick1408. Salary cap left: $5,000.

Brendon Goddard, Bryce Gibbs, Brett Deledio, Simon Buckley, Jack Grimes, Andrejs Everitt, Nick Duigan
Nick Lower, Danny Stanley, Ryan Lester

Dane Swan, Andrew Swallow, Joel Selwood, Scott Pendlebury, Shaun Grigg, Liam Shiels
Daniel Harris, Tom Liberatore, Rohan Bewick

Drew Petrie, Tyrone Vickery
Zac Smith, Jake Spencer

Paul Chapman, Lance Franklin, Nick Riewoldt, Mitch Morton, Shaun Higgins, Chris Knights, Andrew Krakouer
Brandon Matera, Cameron Richardson, Jack Darling

Side has finished like this after selections
