Gun rookie strategy, or play to the system?

Started by reconfig, January 13, 2011, 05:56:40 PM

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Just to begin, this post is being wriiten with regards to overall score, not league win.

Over the past few years it has been the gun rookie strategy that has reigned supreme over all strategies in dt. You have your guns (usually 12+) locked in, and your rookies making you money, and with a bit of luck you avoid to many injuries, and have a donutless season.

But i have to wonder... is this the year where the gun-rookie strategy crumbles?? Maybe trying to play the system (spending less on guns and spread the value through the rest of the team) could be a better option. There are alot of factors to be considered in the strategy this year.

1. Most of us probably cop a donut once every year. Is it possble that with the bye's we are susceptible to copping more donuts?

1.1 The gun-rookie mentality
- We have 3 extra substitutes, surely thus will be more than enough to cover
- We have 4 extra trades, surely we can use these to help cover positions.
- Maybe the bye's will lower the odds of players being rested (they rest during the bye)
- Maybe players are less likely to get injured with the rest the bye gives them
- Im not an idiot, im using my MPP strategy.

1.2 Playing the system
- Spending the extra money on the bench means less likely needing to cover donuts, this potentially means that while others are trading to cover donuts, i can further upgrade my team.
- Spending extra money on the bench means, while others have rookies to cover byes, My bench player could potentially score higher (more on this in a minute)
- Im not an idiot, im using my MPP strategy. (incase you havent noticed, no matter what strategy you ,i think Mpp is a must)

2. The importance of the first bench player for each position.

- Lets face it. Your first bench player is going to get a lot of time on your dt ground. (with maybe the exception of rucks.) most weeks you'll probably have to cover a player (whether it be due to byes or injury), so benchy 1 will get a run (love the rhyme). Going the gun rookie strategy often entailed starting rookies on the field, and spending the bare minimum on the bench, knowing that they were not going to be used very often (you hoped!). This year, knowing how many times you may potentially use benchy 1, wouldn't it be a bit more comforting knowing you've spent a bit extra on him for better scores??

3. The sub

Hmmm... extra problems here. What kind of players are likely to be subbed off/on during the game.

- Rookies
- Players underperforming during the game (including rookies)
- Injured Players (rookies... i just felt like saying rookies again)

This is just speculation on my part ... it will be interesting to see how the sub is used. But maybe spending a bit more money on bench players that are less chance of being subbed could be a safer option here.

Just a few thoughts. Post some of your theories here. I would be interested to hear them. All i can say is this is gonna be one crazy year thats for sure.


Just realised posed in wrong area.... prosepctor... can you please move this to DT strategy when you get the chance

Big Lance

Good post. I will be spending a lot of time working out who will be playing when and who won't be playing in regards to byes and the cover i will have for those weeks. I intend to use mpp to the max as by the end of last year my mpp's were getting shuffled around everywhere and came in very handy. I think i will be going mainly guns/rooks but with as many mpp as possible.

As far as bench cover goes i will be looking at players coming back form injury and of course rookstations. I haven't began my planning yet so i will have more of an idea of what i'm doing once dt and sc open up. My 1st bench got a massive run last year as i stupidly left gray in way to long, so i have no problem relying on rookies for cover.